Wouah, en relisant les règles dans leur ensemble (vive le pocket RB, pRB ?), je tombe sur A2.6
Units may leave the mapboard using normal MPh/APh capabilities from any mapboard edge hex or half-hex as if they are entering an imaginary off-board hex which is the mirror image of the one they currently occupy. Bypass can be claimed to exit a hex (such as 2X0) only if the unit has one additional MF/MP in excess of that needed for Bypass. The mapboard cannot be left during the RtPh. Units which leave the mapboard [EXC: glider contents (E8.5); paratroops (E9.41)] may not return.
Donc, si vous êtes en W1, que vous sortez en W0, si W1 est un wood ou Building, l'hex de sortie a le même coût, donc 2MF, ce n'est pas de l'open ground comme pour le offboard setup.
L'exemple en dessous le confirme :
Vehicular mapboard exit of AA1 can only be done if the vehicle had actually paid to enter the AA1 woods obstacle and then pays to enter another woods obstacle offboard
Je l'ignorais, et vous ?