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Looking for French / Belgian ASL Players in October


Bonjour à tous,

Ci-joint un mail de Steven Linton (steven.linton@bigpond.com) :

Hi - myself and a friend, Scott Byrne, are travelling in Europe in October - during the two weeks between the ASLOK tournament in the US and Intensive fire in the UK. Our trip will be through the Ardennes and then in Normandy before flying out of Brussells. on an earlier trip in 1999 I was fortunate enough to play in the Montarson tournament, and met a lot of good ASL friends.

Scott and I are looking to find any French or Belgian ASL players who might be interested in a game while we are there - or who might even be able to offer spare beds.

If you can help, I would be more than grateful - please feel free to pass my email address to anyone who might be interested.


Steven Linton

N'hésitez pas à lui répondre directement,



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