ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

Nouvelles de la production chez MMP 14 févier 2005

Invité · 2 · 3446


  • Invité
Keith Dalton, chef du marketing annonce aujourd'hui le progrès des travaux chez MMP :

MMP Update
Hey guys, some stuff from Brian on progress fo various projects:
Armies of Oblivion:
Charlie Kibler has forwarded the the Armies of Oblivion AFV counters (maybe all 5/8" counters, Brian wasn't sure) to Perry for proofing last week.
ASL Rulebook:
We expect to have the final set of proofing blue lines from Chapter K early this week from the printer.
Beyond Valor:
Perry went over the maps for BV reprint, marking up concerns, and they were shipped back to artist for revisions.
BV reprint will contain maps 1,2,3,4,5,8,20,21,22,23. Every one of the scenarios in BV reprint will be playable on those maps, so BV reprint and a rulebook is all you'll really need to play a ton of ASL.
Brian has been moving countersheets from old printers template to new printers template. Three are done, ten to go, with a goal of trying to do one a day. Once they're ported we'll have to fix a few things (BV2nd Ed had some errata) and they're off to the printers to get proofs back.

Why are we repainting the maps, you ask?
They have been "redone" to standardize the colors and artwork from board to board.
The original map film is quite old now and essentially is useless. Last time we did mounted maps we gave it our best shot to get the colors closer at press, but that was very time consuming, money consuming (it took a lot of press time), and wasn't all that close (in our opinion) anyways.
So, having to do these all again, we decided to have them repainted.

Are they the same or different?
Yes.  They are the same maps.
Fortunately, however, this lets us fix badly centered hex dots and overly-tightly trimmed board edges. Mostly, although the trim job is still only within a certain acceptable standard. One huge advantage to redoing the maps - they're digital in format now and burned to a CD'll last effectively forever for multiple future reprints.

We still have the scenarios to lay out. About a dozen or so IIRC.

But it's getting there.

Action Packs 3 & 4
The upcoming Action Packs (#3 Normandy from Ian Daglish and #4 Russia from Pete Shelling) will have the ASLSK style of map, they will be maps #53-55 and #56-58 (assuming we use all three in each AP).

Espérons que ce n'est pas un nouvel écran de fumée... :roll:

Hors ligne Manu_Histofig

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Pas de raison de paniquer, c'est plutot bon signe... mais encore une fois, il va falloir être patient...
Allez courage, on a encore plein de scénarios en stock ;-)

Emmanuel Desanois
ASL Histofig.Com -