Je relis les règles après une longue période d'abstinence, et je bute sur quelque chose qui m'interroge :
C.4 ORDNANCE AREA FIRE: Ordnance Area Fire never halves the FP effect of any hit. Instead, any shot affected by any provision of Area Fire caused by the target's status uses the Case K To Hit DRM (6.2). Fire during the AFPh is represented by use of To Hit Cases B/C as applicable. An AFPh attack vs a concealed (Area) target uses To Hit DRM B/C as applicable, plus Case K. If the firer's status would impose Area Fire (e.g., Pinned, LATW firing from shallow stream, etc.), Case D applies (5.4). See also 3.53.

Je sais qu'un GUN qui tire en Area fire va avoir le case K, mais pas e FP halved ? Et pire, je ne vois pas de contre exemple dans le chapitre sur les mortiers.
Qu'est ce que je loupe ?
EDIT: trouvé
3.33 AREA TARGET TYPE: The Area Target Type must be used at all time by mortars and whenever ordnance [EXC: LATW] attempts to fire SMOKE; otherwise it may be selected when firing HE (but not AP/HEAT HE Equivalency; 8.31). All (including friendly) non-Aerial units in the target hex can be hit (even by WP), except for those immune as per 3.4 [EXC: a mortar also hits all target-hex units that are out of its firer's (Spotter's, if one is being used; 9.3) LOS if that shot hit the non-hidden enemy target that currently was the hardest for it to hit (i.e., that received the highest net TH DRM for that shot)]. All units hit by HE are attacked on the IFT using a single DR and half the FP of the firing ordnance;
ouf !