ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

Nouvelles de MMP

Invité · 6 · 3371


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Vous le savez peut-être  : la carte 42 qui a été livrée avec Few Returned comporte une erreur (un mur déplacé).
Gros débats sur Gamesquad (un fil a atteint plus de 400 posts!).
Voici les dernières nouvelles de chez MMP, données sur Consimworld :

ASL Semi-State Of The Union

Work on VotG continues, counter proofing / fixing nearly done. Scenario layout nearly done. Gotta give the map another look before sending it off for proofing.

We have Derek working on the layouts for The Last Hurrah, so we're moving forward on the DB reprint. Derek is quite motivated, I would think this should happen fairly soon.

We are at the bottom of the barrel for Hollow Legions, finally. That will be put up on P# with the next batch (incl. a lot of IGS, ASL J2 reprint, Kingdom of Heaven at least) and WILL INCLUDE the North Africa materials. Any favorite OOP Annual/Journal Italian scenarios you'd like to see? Let us know...

Work on The BRT Gamers Guide (Keith Dalton's doing the layout) is progressing nicely. Keith hopes to have something to give to proofers in approx 2 weeks if I understood his phone conversation properly.

After Derek is done laying out TLH we'd like to sic him on Out of the Attic #2. So look for a fall P# appearance for that one.



Mistakes happen, especially on a complicated print jobs like a board wargame. The wall "shift" on board 42 is a mistake, unfortunately one we have not quite identified how it happened, but a mistake none the less.

So we will not be rushing out a solution, we want to make sure the whole board is correct before reprinting it.

Our intention is this:

a) we will put a downloadable "overlay" up on our website for people who have to deal with the situation immediately. Should be up by/during the weekend;

b) we'll have some printed out overlays on nice paper at WBC if you wish to pick one up. It will not be "sticky paper", so it'll be more like a regular overlay.;

c) we will be reprinting board 42, with the corrected art, during the print run for the map board set. On our end the costs will be significantly reduced by the sheer volume of the print run. The issue becomes once that's done

d) we'll be putting board 42 in the next (few?) ASL products to get it out that way. You can turn in your "bad" 42 and get a new one at a convention we're attending (within reason, we're not lugging 42's to Origins 2020).

When mistakes happen we want them fixed. We want happy customers. Within reason, of course.

Hors ligne Philippe Briaux

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Bon. En bref, de bonnes nouvelles.
Robin, j'imagine que tu dois particulièrement apprécier le futur "Hollow Legion" avec le matériel désert ;-)


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Ah, le message du matin qui fait plaisir! Merci Robin pour ces super nouvelles. Apparemment donc le module "désert" sortirait avant le super-module "pacifique" (CoB+Gung Ho+Chap G)?


  • Invité
Bon. En bref, de bonnes nouvelles.
Robin, j'imagine que tu dois particulièrement apprécier le futur "Hollow Legion" avec le matériel désert ;-)
J'ai déjà tout ça...:-)


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on a beau avoir tout ça version 1... cela devient version 2... bref indispensable  +o( Mais bon je ne suis plus à quelques boîtes près même si je me mords les doigts de ne pas avoir acheter le nouveau module anglais FKC alors que j'avais déjà acheté 2 fois woa... question note de char comme l'avait révélé quelqu'un sur le forum... C'est bien de sortir de nouveau (x)module(s) mais je pense qu'il serait de bon aloi d'avertir des changements entre les 2 modules.... :-(


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on a beau avoir tout ça version 1... cela devient version 2... bref indispensable
Pas du tout indispensable. Il n'y a quasiment pas d'errata pour le chapitre F.
C'est le RuleBook qui a eu le plus de changements.