ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

Bounding Fire reprend du service

Hors ligne Arno

  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 1 288
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Chas Smith reprend du service en publiant un nouveau scenario pack avec des cartes et des overlays et en relançant Bounding Fire.

Into the Rubble

Into The Rubble (ITR) offers players the opportunity to do cardboard battle in cities and railroad yards. The scenarios range from 1938 to 1945 with a variety of forces including American, Chinese, German/SS, Hungarian, Japanese, Nationalist Spanish, Republican Spanish, Romanian and Russian.

The Battlepack includes the following:

    * 8 Action-Packed Scenarios.
    * Two 8"x22" Geomorphic mapboards, printed on heavy card stock, depicting city and railroad yard terrain (BFP A, BFP B).
    * One 8"x12" geomorphic Rubbled City overlay (RC-1), 1 large Factory overlay and 1 sheet of Debris overlays.
    * Rules pages describing new terrain, including Railroad Factories.

The Rubbled City overlay (RC-1) fits on other official ASL (MMP) city boards: 1, 20, 21, 22, 45, 49, and 51.

Ownership of the following Multiman Publishing products are required to play all 8 of the included scenarios: Beyond Valor©, Yanks©, Doomed Battalions©, Armies of Oblivion©, Red Barricades©. Ownership of the following Heat of Battle products are required to play 1 of the included scenarios: Recon By Fire 4©.
Le prix $45 soit environ 32 euros.
En cours :


  • Invité
Tiens bizarre  8-O Into the rubble était annoncé chez HOB..... 8-O J'ai mal vu ou quoi ?  :-$

Hors ligne X

  • Rédac Chef du LFT
  • Franc-Tireur Staff
  • 1-4-9
  • *
    • Messages: 3 321
    • +63/-1
  • Noli facere nautam cacare
    • Le Franc Tireur, le magazine des fanatiques d'ASL
Chas Smith n est plus chez Hob.

Quelques soucis internes, des problemes d edition et de coherence chez HoB...


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