ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

Trois scénarios, trois éditeurs, une même situation

Hors ligne Robin Reeve

  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 5 694
    • +90/-0
De quoi alimenter la discussion qui a présidé aux expériences "MwT".

Je vous soumets la prose en anglais que j'ai postée à ce sujet sur CSW :
"And there were three"...

There are THREE recent scenarios about the defense of the Sihang Warehouse :

FT137 : 300 (in the last LFT mag)

BFP-31 : Chinese Alamo (in Blood and Jungle)
AP54 : 800 Heroes (in AP6)

The two last ones even have the same photograph on the scenario card.

Chinese OB :

- From 10 to 12 squad equivalents (LFT 5 x 447 and 6 x 337 ; BFP 10 x 447 and 4 x 228 crews ; AP 10 x 447)

- SMC : (LFT 9-1, 8-0 x2 ; BFP 10-2, 9-1, 8-0, Hero ; AP 9-1, 8-1, Hero)

- SW (LFT : MMG x3, LMG x2, DC ; BFP : HMG x 2, MMG x 2, LMG x 4, DC x2 ; AP : HMG, MMG, LMG x 3, DC x 3)

- From 5 to 12 "?" initial OB counters

- LFT and BFP have Wire (3 and 4 counters respectively)

- BFP has a Roadblock and 3 Sangars (which may be paced on the Warehouse's rooftop (BFP and AP allow rooftop Locations for the Warehouse, but LFT not)

- AP has 4 Trenches and 2 Foxholes.

- Chinese "specials" :

LFT : may create one DC Hero, MMG have B12, Fortify up to 2 Building Locations (no Tunnels)

BFP: set up as if Japanese offboard, may designate up to 2 Dare-Death squads, may fortify up to 5 Building Locations (no Tunnels), no HIP Fortification, DCs may be Set DC and HIP (cf. A23.7)

AP : All ground-level Locations of Warehouse are fortified (no Tunnels), Chinese within 3 hexes of Warehouse are Fanatic, HoB Berserk/Surrender results = Battle Hardening, CC as Japanese ; 2 DCs may be Set DCs ; Chinese may use Boresighting.

Japanese OB :

- from 13 to 16 squads (LFT 6 x 448 and 7 x 448 ; BFP 6 x 448 and 10 x 447 ; AP 14 x 47)

- SMC : (LFT : 9-1, 9-0, 8-0 ; BFP : 10-1, 9-1, 9-0, 8-0, 8+1 ; AP : 9-1 x2, 8-0)

- SW : (LFT : LMG x4, LtMtr x 2 ; BFP : MMG x 2, LMG x 4, DC x 3, LtMtr, radio ; AP : MMG, LMG, LtMtr, DC)

- The BFP scenario has a radio (70+ mm - to be deleted if the Chinese balance is chosen), the AP one has two on board 75* INF and the LFT has no arty.

- All have Type 94 tanketes (BFP 2 ; AP 4 ; LFT 2)

- Japanese "specials" :

LFT : none ; BFP : none : AP : no Surrender refusal nor Massacre, never Stealthy and only Guns may set up HIP

In all three scenarios ELRs are the same for everybody : 3

SANs are :

- LFT : Chinese : 3, Japanese : 2

- BFP : Chinese : 5, Japanese : 3

- AP : Chinese : 4, Japanese : 3

The LFT scenario takes place on October 30, and the two others on October 29

The maps are all different.

The global area is the same : the large river in the south, urban terrain north of the river.

BFP specifies several hexes as containing Debris or Wooden Rubble ; AP : Brush = Debris ; LFT no initial Debris or Rubble

BFP and AP declare the Warehouse as a 2.5 level factory.

Scenario lengths : BFP 6,5 turns ; AP54 5,5 turns ; LFT 6 Turns
Intéressant cas d'étude, AMHA.
"Votre manière de penser quand vous perdez détermine combien de temps passera avant que vous gagniez."
G.K. Chesterton

Hors ligne X

  • Rédac Chef du LFT
  • Franc-Tireur Staff
  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 3 259
    • +61/-1
  • Noli facere nautam cacare
    • Le Franc Tireur, le magazine des fanatiques d'ASL

Hors ligne T

  • 10-2
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    • Messages: 522
    • +20/-4
Comme le LFT137 sera au programme du tournoi de Villeneuve d'Ascq, il sera possible d'avoir une meilleure idée des avantages et inconvenients de chaque design après le tournoi.

C'est un sujet intéressant.