ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

Black friday chez Bounding fire

Hors ligne Hardrada

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    • Messages: 1 067
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  • Molon Labe
Pour info, Bounding fire va lancer une promotion en fin de semaine (faudra amener du wifi à Villers !).
Ci-dessous copie du forum US.

Re: Black Friday Sale
 Originally Posted by Chas 

We will be doing a sale later this week. Sam will post the details of time and prices later. If you havent picked up some of our products but plan to, this may be a good time to do it.

ChasMore details are posted in the main forum area.

Here are the products included, with US/Canada and International pricing list for each.

HG2 $45.00 $55.00
BFP3 $100.00 $108.00
BTB2 $40.00 $44.00
OC $35.00 $39.00
ITR $32.00 $36.00
LFT12 $37.00 $41.00
LFT11 $37.00 $41.00
FTC5 $30.00 $34.00
FTC4 $34.00 $38.00
Le courage du soldat dépend de la prudence du général.