Administration => Archives => English spoken here => Discussion démarrée par: nicotum le 30 Avril 2008, 14:26

Titre: Vae Victis scenarios errata
Posté par: nicotum le 30 Avril 2008, 14:26
Hi guys,
since I'm going to play VV7 "The courage of Mahrattas", could you tell me if there are errata for Vae Victis Scenarios?

Thank you.

Titre: Re : Vae Victis scenarios errata
Posté par: pnaud le 30 Avril 2008, 16:46
Hi guys,
since I'm going to play VV7 "The courage of Mahrattas", could you tell me if there are errata for Vae Victis Scenarios?

Thank you.


Hi Nicola,

There is no "official" errata but in that peculiar case, the Churchill Mk VIII (95*) should be a Mk VII (75).
Hope you'll enjoy !

Philippe Naud
Titre: Re : Vae Victis scenarios errata
Posté par: nicotum le 30 Avril 2008, 17:37
Thank you Philippe,
the situation seems interesting, I'm sure we'll have fun. :-)
Titre: Re : Vae Victis scenarios errata
Posté par: nicotum le 05 Mai 2008, 18:07
Played it last friday,
plain fun and a good scenario to introduce smoke (if your dice don't roll always higher than 8!) :-))

My opponent found a pair of spots from where its guns harassed ny vehicles and then my attack just faded away.

Found another error in the scenario card: vineyard rule is F13.6 and not E13.6.
I knew it, but my opponent (a newbie) went crazy trying to find it. ;-)

Well done Philippe.
Titre: Re : Re : Vae Victis scenarios errata
Posté par: pnaud le 05 Mai 2008, 18:47
Played it last friday,
plain fun and a good scenario to introduce smoke (if your dice don't roll always higher than 8!) :-))

Found another error in the scenario card: vineyard rule is F13.6 and not E13.6.
I knew it, but my opponent (a newbie) went crazy trying to find it. ;-)

Well done Philippe.

Ooops, one more  :-$
I'm glad you'll enjoy it but take care, I think some of my older scenarios from VV are real dogs - sorry  :-$ - and other ones suffer from bad editing. It wasn't always possible to fix it in the next issue.
The more recent ones are of a far more decent bunch.

Philippe "My English is very good  8)" Naud
Titre: Re : Vae Victis scenarios errata
Posté par: ToddH le 26 Octobre 2011, 22:09
Vae Victis 6 la mort du dragon - any errata for this one?  Looks like an interesting scenario.  mbc for any information on balance/errata.

Titre: Re : Vae Victis scenarios errata
Posté par: pnaud le 26 Octobre 2011, 22:42
In the French OB, the "?" are 6.

No other errata.

I hope you'll enjoy it. Roll low ! ;-)
Titre: Re : Vae Victis scenarios errata
Posté par: ToddH le 27 Octobre 2011, 19:19
Titre: Re : Re : Re : Vae Victis scenarios errata
Posté par: Lionel62 le 28 Octobre 2011, 08:04
Ooops, one more  :-$
I'm glad you'll enjoy it but take care, I think some of my older scenarios from VV are real dogs - sorry  :-$ - and other ones suffer from bad editing. It wasn't always possible to fix it in the next issue.
The more recent ones are of a far more decent bunch.

Philippe "My English is very good  8)" Naud

Aurais tu une liste par exemple des 5 scénarios de VV que tu préfères ? je les metrtrai sur ma liste de scénarios à jouer.

Parcequ'il y en a beaucoup et ils sont très dispersés dans 100+ magazines donc ce n'est pas évident de choisir.
Lionel 62
Titre: Re : Vae Victis scenarios errata
Posté par: pnaud le 28 Octobre 2011, 09:11
Choix difficile ... mais exercice intéressant.
je vois ça ce WE et je te propose une liste aussitôt que possible.
Titre: Re : Re : Vae Victis scenarios errata
Posté par: Lionel62 le 28 Octobre 2011, 09:18
Choix difficile ... mais exercice intéressant.
je vois ça ce WE et je te propose une liste aussitôt que possible.

Merci !
