je cite A10.711 complet pour que tout le monde suive...
10.711 VOLUNTARY ROUT: A non-berserk, non-pinned leader already stacked with a broken unit before it routs may elect to rout with the broken unit even though he is not broken. If he does so, the leader shares the broken unit’s vulnerability to Interdiction and, although he does not have to take any Interdiction NMC himself, he is eliminated if the broken unit he is stacked on top of fails an Interdiction MC. He must remain with the broken unit throughout the RtPh, but is not considered broken and may add his leadership DRM to its Interdiction NMC. The leader, if already in possession of a SW, may portage it, but cannot improve the broken unit’s portage capacity.
En fait je ne comprends pas ta lecture de la première phrase...
Pour moi, un ldr non-berserk,non-pinned, déjà empilé avec une unité broken avant sa déroute peut choisir de router avec l'unité broken, même si il n'est pas broken.
Si ce paragraphe ne concerne qu'un leader NOT broken, il ne répond pas à ma question