Posté la nuit passée sur ConsimWorld par Brian Youse:
MMP has decided that we will be ending the "Endless Subscription" program for the ASL Journal. At this time we will still be maintaining the Operations Endless Subscriptions.
Why have we decided this? It is a simple matter of customer expectations, really.
The shipping of the last Journal (#6) has been a bit of a nightmare, logistically. The "fail" rate was just a shade under 14% with nearly 150 orders having some kind of problem, most often credit card expirations.
There are certainly cases where we received notice of a change and failed to follow through with the change, but we've had plenty of people forget that they even were on the subscription list! That's bound to happen with a once-a-year product.
What this has caused is a slew of (sometimes angry) "where's my Journal" type emails and (sometimes very angry) phone calls, to the point that our preparing The Mighty Endeavor has been impacted (not to mention shipping the sale orders). And our customers are not happy.
What does this mean for the Journal? Not much, really. About 2-3 months before we're ready to put out a magazine we'll put the Journal up on the P# page at a 20% discount. Postage will be a tad more since our current system will charge the one postal unit ($5 in US) rate. The opportunity for a discount is still available. And, hopefully, our billing and shipping issues essentially disappear.
We're not thrilled with the idea of "losing" 1100 guarenteed orders. But for everyone's sake this seems to be a necessity.
Thank you for your continued support of MMP.
En résumé: cette fois c'était vraiment trop le bronx entre les cartes de crédit expirées et les changements d'adresse (communiqués à MMP ou non), on n'a pas assuré pour l'envoi du Journal 6 aux abonnés. Comme on ne pense pas faire mieux la prochaine fois (sorry, pas taper), on va arrêter les abonnements. Avec nos plus plates excuses, etc.
Personnellement, ça ne touche pas trop, j'ai eu mon Journal 6 - bien sympa, soit dit en passant - il y a une semaine via Bunker Hill Games. Mais ça me fait un peu souci pour AoO (comme d'habitude quand une mauvaise nouvelle vient de chez MMP, quoi

): le taux de rejet des cartes de crédit risque aussi d'être assez élevé vu le temps depuis lequel c'est en précommmande...