En vrac un petit mémo de quelques points importants à ne pas oublier durant la partie...
STREAM : shallow / non frozen
slow current vers le sud
B20.42 SHALLOW: If a stream is shallow, Infantry/Cavalry enter at a cost of three MF regardless of whether the move is through a stream hexside or not.
STEEPLE: A building hex with white cross denotes a church with a Steeple Location in that hex - i.e., an additional building Location, with an inherent stairwell leading to it from ground level, above what would otherwise be the highest building Location of that hex. Except as stated otherwise, a Steeple Location is treated as a normal building Location
Each building Location in the hex beneath the Steeple Location is a normal building Location in all respects.
A Steeple Location has a normal stack limit (A5.1) of one HS-equivalent. No Gun may be set up in a Steeple Location.
WINTER CAMOUFLAGE (les allemands sont équipés) : In any type of snow, any Infantry unit/vehicle (not PRC) specified as having Winter Camouflage receives a +1 LV Hindrance DRM when fired upon beyond eight hexes if Infantry, or beyond 16 hexes otherwise [EXC: OBA, Residual FP, Fire Lane] unless it already qualifies for a positive TEM other than SMOKE. Such a unit also receives a -1 drm to its Concealment dr (A12.122). Winter Camouflaged Infantry may Assault Move/advance into Open Ground regardless of range from enemy units without loss of "?"
Ground Snow : all Infantry must expend one extra MF per elevation level change (up/down) unless using a stairwell
Overcast : EC are determined normally until it rains (3.51)
Mais ici, la pluie serait remplacée par Falling snow
wetEC DRM : -2 always applies to the Kindling and Spreading Fire DR except when Kindling/spreading-to a building
Mild Breeze : the Spreading Fire DR is modified by the Wind Direction (voir diagramme). Wind Direction does not affect Fire spreading within a building or Flames spreading to Blaze status.
SS : are elite Class troops.
SS are entitled to Assault Fire capabilities. SS may perform Massacre (20.4).
Orchards : hors saisonB3
routes unplowed (à cause de ground snow)
Hand to hand CC pour les deux campspas de kindling, de boresighting
il est fait mention de présence de caves (cellars) dans le livret, mais ça ne concernerait que les bâtiments multi-hex à plusieurs niveaux (non présents sur la zone jouable à première vue...)