While not official, here are the updates in SKEP 1, 2nd Edition (I made this list when I was proofreading):S41 Sink’s Encouragement: Add one 7-4-7 squad, one 3-3-7 HS, and one MMG to the American OB, and exchange one American 8-1 leader with a 9-2 leader. In the American Balance, change “one MMG” to “on DC”.S44 Across The Border: Add two LMG to the Slovakian Turn 1 reinforcements. Change the Slovakian Balance to “Increase the game length to 5½ turns.”.S47 Not So Disposed: In the Victory Conditions, change “10 Victory Points” to “15 Victory Points”. Delete one 3-4-6 squad, one 3-3-6 squad, and one LMG from the Italian OB. In SSR 3, decrease to number of “fortified” building hexes to 5.S50 N-463: Delete one BAZ 44(a) from the Free French OB. Add one LMG to the German OB, and exchange the German 7-0 leader with an 8-1 leader.S51 Enter The Young: Rotate the North arrow 180 degrees. Add “and/or on board r” at the end of the German setup instructions.The last one, IIRC, is something that has been posted earlier somewhere - althought no on MMP's website.
Bonjour, est-ce que les modifications citées par Grolivier sont bien reprises dans les scénarios (à l'époque, c'était non officiel m'avait-il semblé) ?C'est pour le tournoi SK.Par avance, un grand merci.