ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

Inor3.b Cellars

Hors ligne Brazouck

  • 10-3
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    • Messages: 913
    • +9/-0
  • The crazy bazooka guy

Djangtchoub et moi prévoyons de jouer quelques scenarios Inor avant de nous lancer dans la campagne.

Cependant, j'ai un souci avec la règle 3.b sur les Cellars qui fait référence FB9.1. Je ne sais pas de quel module il s'agit mais j'imagine que c'est Festung Budapest, out of print de nos jours.

Comment faites vous du coup ?


Hors ligne Lionel62

  • 1-4-9
  • *
    • Messages: 2 725
    • +19/-0

Djangtchoub et moi prévoyons de jouer quelques scenarios Inor avant de nous lancer dans la campagne.

Cependant, j'ai un souci avec la règle 3.b sur les Cellars qui fait référence FB9.1. Je ne sais pas de quel module il s'agit mais j'imagine que c'est Festung Budapest, out of print de nos jours.

Comment faites vous du coup ?


Voici la règle :


9.1 All multi-hex (including rowhouses) depicted on the Inor map contain beneath their ground level Location (i.e., at building level -1) a FB Cellar level (beneath which is that hex's sewer level, if any). A FB Cellar Location is considered the equivalent of another non-rooftop building Location in that hex (even for Falling Rubble [B24.12] and Victory Condition purposes) except as specified otherwise. The FB Cellar level is ignored when determining the Base Level of a building hex.

9.11 TEM: FB Cellar locations have a TEM of +3 [EXC: +2 if wooden]. FB Cellar Locations may be Fortified. FB Cellar Locations are ignored for the purposes of B23.912 (i.e., the FB Cellar need not be fortified to fortify the ground level location).

9.12 STACKING: A FB Cellar Location has a normal stacking limit (A5.1) of two squad-equivalents (A55) plus up to four SMC. Overstacking may occur [EXC: NA during setup (A5.1); see also 17.6243],but no unbroken, armed MMC may enter an already overstacked FB Cellar Location.

9.2 ENTRY: Only Infantry-(including Dummies)/SW may set-up-in/enter a FB Cellar, and their presence therein is indicated by placing them beneath a Cellar counter. Infantry may enter/exit the FB Cellar level only via a Stairwell, Manhole, or a 'connecting' Trench (SSR FB14). Infantry already in a FB Cellar may directly enter an adjacent FB Cellar Location only if the two hexes involved share a common non-Rowhouse [EXC: unless Breached; B23.711] buildng hexside.

9.21 All Trench 'connections' and Manholes 'open into' only the FB Cellar level if it exists in that hex [EXC: if the ground level above the FB Cellar has been rubbled; 9.6]; otherwise, Sewers (B8.) and Trench (B27.5) rules apply unchanged; see the 9.21 EX on the next page.

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