Nouvelle mise à jour de Neal sur Gamesquad. C'est vaste comme les steppes russes.
Production notes
Ponyri may ship March 1st but don't hold him too it. Too long in the making, very excited, it's fun as h****, from master designer Pete Shelling, Don Petros and a bunch of guys. There's nothing like this on the market.
Marco Polo Bridge mid-late April.
Starter Kits 1-4, Decision at Else reprint due in the next 6 months.
Starter Kit magazine 1 in 3 months.
Beyond Valor - almost compiled from components.
Printed rulebook and erulebook to be in sync. No binder for the rulebook unless enough people demand it.
Pocket Rulebook may be printed at the start of each year if the preorder number is met.
HASL/ HASL ebook getting finished, will be cross linked with the erulebook.
Journal 16 planned for WBC including the Petros Carpiquet Airfield with a couple geoboards and unique OBs and scenarios.
Action Pack and Rotterdam planned for ASLOK.
Journal 17, WO Bonus Pack and Kharkov HASL planned for Winter Offensive.
Chef Du Pont will be inserted in some product. Playtest complete.
OBA flowchart may be made available as an app.
Club Campaign System in the next 6 months. Has an RPG element, go through ranks, pick forces (one Axis, one Allied), purchase points, tables, maps, generate a 6-turn scenario.
Spanish Civil War - still playtesting, no firm date.
SASL - getting there
Four Bridges - next year 2026
Fox and Rat - next year 2026
White Death (Finnish) - next year 2026
Armies of Oblivion - has to check on plans for this reprint
Polish Eagles - next year 2026 - more than initially thought, Armored Trains & counters
Star Leader - ASL mecha, 2 factions, 3rd is AI driven
1" counters with new artwork, may Kickstarter
French Indochina discussions
AIW - waiting
Commissar's House on larger hex map
Starter Kit Red Barricades
Market Garden solo
Budapest/Twilight magazine