Dear All,
This is to remind anyone interested in attending the Arnhem ASL Tournament in Holland in September that our deadline for pre-registration payment (for the accommodation at the Stayokay hostel) will be closed by the 1st of August as usual.
After this date, you can still join the tournament, but we will not have a bed for you at the tournament venue, which would be tragic.
Until now, only two French players have registered (they are brothers, too !) and we expect your proud country should be represented by at least an elite halfsquad ! So don't miss your chance !
Please visit the website for more information (including the scenario list and ABS): or email us directly at
Current pre-registrations stand at 26 participants and we expect at least another 10-20 regulars and new attendants in the coming few weeks.
All the best,
Peter & Liz Struijf
Tournament Organisers
A Bridge Too Far ASL Tournament
Arnhem, Holland