ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !


Invité · 5 · 2006


  • Invité
J'ai besoin d'un petit topo sur les règles de Light/Moderate Dust (type d'Hindrance, DRM en fonction du range, effet sur le FFMO/l'Interdiction/les Residuals, etc...) Si un heureux possesseur du chapitre F pouvait m'éclairer je lui en serais reconnaissant. Merci d'avance!

Hors ligne jlb

  • 1-4-9
  • *
    • Messages: 2 463
    • +34/-2
  • Nantes Tactique Club
Les light et moderate dust sont des Desert Low Visibility Hindrance. Pareil que de la LV Hindrance. Ne compte pas pour déterminer si une LOS est bloquée.

Light dust : hindrance = dr / 2 FRD (quand on tire on jette 3 dés)
Moderate dust : hindrance = dr / 2 FRU

Truc rigolo, pour les MC d'interdiction, on jette aussi 3 dés et le 3e est traité de la même manière en inversant son signe comme DRM du MC.

>= Heavy dust = LOS hindrance

Heavy dust: hindrance = distance / 2 FRU + DRM de light dust. Movement : 1MF/MP de plus par hex pour les vehicules et la cavalerie
Very heavy dust : hindrance = distance + DRM de light dust. Movement : comme Heavy Dust + 1MP pour un AFV BU, pas de double-time/gallop. Pas d'attaques entre unités aérienne et au sol. +1 drm pour le recovery
Extremely heavy dust : pareil que very sauf DRM de Moderate dust, B/X baisse de 1

En espérant n'avoir rien oublié
Le Franc-Tireur, le magazine des fanatiques d'ASL!


  • Invité
Tusen takk. Si j'ai bien compris pour la Light/Moderate Dust peu importe le Range, qu'on tire à 2 ou 10 hexes de distance c'est toujours le 3e dr / 2, c'est ca?

Hors ligne jlb

  • 1-4-9
  • *
    • Messages: 2 463
    • +34/-2
  • Nantes Tactique Club
Le Franc-Tireur, le magazine des fanatiques d'ASL!

Hors ligne Bert

  • Modérateur
  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 4 184
    • +62/-0
  • 8 à Huit = NMC
Comme tout le monde n'a pas forcement West of Alamein voici la règle concernée.  ;-)

11.71 LIGHT DUST: Light Dust can occur only in a scenario that uses ≥ one Desert Board, and only if EC currently are Dry or Very Dry [EXC: Very Dry only, if Steppe Terrain (13.2) is in effect]. While Light Dust is in effect, each TH (and each non-ordnance) IFT DR [EXC: OBA; DC; FT; Fire Lane; Specific Collateral Attack] receives a Dust DLV Hindrance DRM equal to a subsequent dr21 that is halved (FRD). See also 11.79-.794.

11.711 INTERDICTION: Being a type of LV Hindrance, neither Light nor Moderate Dust negates FFMO. However, when either is in effect, a subsequent dr is made for each Interdiction DR; this dr generates a Dust DRM as per 11.71 or 11.72 (as applicable) but with its sign reversed, which modifies the Original Interdiction DR. The routing unit suffers Casualty Reduction only if it fails its NMC via the Final DR [EXC: an Original 12 still eliminates the unit; A10.31]. Heavy and Very/Extremely Heavy Dust, and Vehicle/FFE Dust, are LOS Hindrances which prevent Interdiction.

EX: A routing unit is Interdicted during Light (only) Dust. If the subsequent dr is a 6, it receives a -3 DRM; if a 4 or 5, a -2 DRM; if a 2 or 3, a -1 DRM; and if a 1, it receives no DRM. Hence if the Interdicted unit has a 7 Morale, and rolls an Original 8 for its NMC but an Original dr of ≥ 4, it will be unaffected.

11.72 MODERATE DUST: Moderate Dust is treated exactly the same as Light Dust except that the subsequent dr is halved (FRU).

11.73 HEAVY DUST: Heavy Dust can occur only in a scenario that uses only Desert Board(s), and only if EC currently are Dry or Very Dry and Steppe Terrain (13.2) is not in effect. While Heavy Dust is in effect, a LOS Hindrance DRM equal to half the range (FRU) applies to each type of attack that can receive a Light Dust DRM. In addition, Light Dust is in effect, and each vehicle/Cavalry unit must expend one extra MP/MF to enter a new hex. Being a LOS Hindrance, Heavy Dust negates FFMO.

11.731 VERY HEAVY DUST: Very Heavy Dust is treated exactly the same as Heavy Dust—except that its LOS Hindrance DRM is equal to the range of the attack, a BU AFV must expend one extra MP to enter a new hex (in addition to the extra MP required by 11.73), use of Double-Time/Gallop is prohibited, attacks by/vs Aerial units are not allowed, and all Recovery dr receive a +1 drm.

: Extremely Heavy Dust is treated exactly the same as Very Heavy Dust, except that Moderate Dust (11.72) applies instead of Light Dust and all B/X numbers for non-Aerial units are lowered by one.

EX: A squad firing with four FP at a range of three hexes during Heavy Dust receives a +2 LOS Hindrance DRM plus a Light Dust DLV Hindrance DRM of 0, +1, +2 or +3. If firing during Very Heavy Dust, the Light Dust DRM is applicable in the same manner but the LOS Hindrance DRM is +3. If firing during Extremely Heavy Dust, the LOS Hindrance DRM is still +3 but the Moderate Dust DRM will be +1, +2 or +3. If the attack has a range of zero (TPBF), only the Light Dust DRM will apply during Heavy or Very Heavy Dust, and only the Moderate Dust DRM will apply during Extremely Heavy Dust. Assuming the squad's attack leaves two Residual FP, if another unit is later attacked by that Residual FP no DLV DRM will apply but FFMO/FFNAM may. Remember that DLV DRM are not applicable to determining if LOS is blocked (11.6).