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Swerpunkt n°9 est paru

Hors ligne Jeanfi

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Voici ce que l'on peut lire sur la mailing list us :
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Schwerpunkt #9 is $18.00.

An order form is at the bottom of this message.
 This issue?s 24-page booklet contains Mark Pitcavage's article, The Whites of Their Eyes: Fire  Discipline in ASL, as well as our trademark analyses
and designer?s notes for scenarios SP97-SP108. The twelve scenarios are printed on card stock in our easy to read format. The scenarios are in keeping with the Schwerpunkt tradition of tournament-sized as well as
medium-sized actions. This pack has something for every ASL player.

SP97 Twilight of the Reich : Three Jagdpanthers and their supporting infantry defend on boards 44 and 48 in this 4.5 turn tournament action against a determined group of 5-2-7s and 4-4-7s accompanied by ISU-152s and T-34/85s.This is destined to be a fast-playing tournament favorite .

SP98 Pesky Pachyderms: A mixed force of Russian infantry defend a fortified farmstead at Kursk. This 6.5 turn scenario is set on boards 43 and 44. With Elephants, Sturmpanzers, SU-152s, T-34 M43s, loads of infantry and ordnance, this one has plenty of heavy metal action that Kursk fans will love.  

SP99 The Feineisen Factor: Four Jadgtigers (yes, four Jagdtigers) and a mixed force of Volksgrenadiers defend boards 41 and 49 in this 5.5 turn thriller against nearly a company of Shermans, armored infantry and M-8 armored cars. This heavy metal melee has more Jagdtigers than any other ASL scenario. It's another gem from Schwerpunkt's scenario designing genius.

SP100 The Attu Climb: An intrepid group of 7th Division infantry scale cliffs in Alaska to outflank a Japanese advance and find themselves the prey. This 4-turn action set on board 9 will hone your climbing skills and is a great Japanese primer scenario. This micro-action makes for a great tournament selection.

SP101 Jura Juggernaut: Brian Williams' 1941 eastern front scenario has a widely dispersed Russian infantry reinforced by BT-7 M37s, T-26 M33s, defending a series of bridges against PzIIIs, PzIVs and halftrack-mounted
infantry from the 1st Panzer Division. This 7.5 turn action set on boards 40 and 49, has lots of thrilling action as the Germans race to secure the ridges and exit the area.

SP102 Le Diable Noir: Yet another east front masterpiece from Brian Williams. This 6.5 turn battle has a stubborn group of SS defending an urban strongpoint in April 1945 against a horde of Russian infantry supported by T-34s, ISU-122s and SU-76s on boards 45 and 41. Lots of bloody late-war action for you city fighters!

SP103 For Whom the Bells Toll: Hugh Downing takes a break from his Gurkha trilogy to visit Normandy in this Band of Brothers inspired action.This scenario has a mixed force of SS and regular German infantry defending Carentan with StuGs and Marders against Easy Company and Sherman tanks. The action is 6.5 turns and is set on boards 12 and 17.

SP104 Easy's Bridge: Mike Faulkner's 82nd Airborne masterpiece has a company of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regt. attacking both ends of Europe's longest span, the Maas River Bridge. This classic 7.5 turn infantry fight has lots of tense action and cool flak towers set on boards 7, 43, and 44.  

SP105 Black Monday: Veteran designer, Bill Sisler has come aboard Schwerpunkt with this 1940 battle. In this 8.5 turn scenario, early-war SS must attack across a canal to seize a British defended village. With British and German OBA, both sides will get a bang out of this classic infantry action. Boards 10 and 42 are used.

SP106 After The Tea Break: Shaun Carter sent us this Market-Garden nail-biter. Elements of SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" with Panthers, PzIVs, halftracks and a Tiger, attack Americans from the 82nd Airborne who are defending the board 13 causeway. Cromwell and Challenger tanks, along with British infantry attempt to reinforce the Americans before they are crushed. This is a vicious, high-casualty blood letting that is sure to go to the last turn.

SP107 The Sawmill: The elusive Mike Licari sent us this gem. It is a 9-turn fight featuring a company from the U.S. 9th Infantry Division attacking with
Sherman tanks to capture a sawmill on board 24. German 8-3-8s, DCs and a flamethrower will make this a hot scenario that is a blast to play!

SP108 Searing Soltau: Greg "the artiste" Davis has given another of his pyro-maniacal masterpieces. Set on half-boards 17, 38, 43, and 46, this scorcher has two Crocodiles and two Wasp flamethrowers attacking a German-held village defended by a mixed force of SS and Volksturm supported by 88mm FlaK guns. This is another high casualty scenario that is not for the faint of heart. If you liked SP96 Husum Hotfoot, you'll love this schnitzel roast.

Schwerpunkt Order Form 10/27/03
To order Schwerpunkt, send a check or money order in
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Jeanfi :popov:

Hors ligne Manu_Histofig

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Oui, pour moi un exemplaire de chaque depuis le numéro 1 jusqu'au dernier, le numéro 9.

Emmanuel Desanois
ASL Histofig.Com -

Hors ligne Manu_Histofig

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Euh des news la dessus... on fait une cde groupée ou pas ?

Emmanuel Desanois
ASL Histofig.Com -

Hors ligne aborel

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Salut à tous,

est-ce que quelqu'un connaîtrait un magazin en ligne (de préférence en Europe) qui vendrait les packs de scénarios Schwerpunkt? Commander par chèque ou money order, ça m'embête plutôt (sans compter que ça met un moment à arriver au vendeur, comparé aux cartes de crédit ou PayPal, que l'éditeur n'accepte pas)...

Hors ligne Philippe Briaux

  • 1-4-9
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Tu dois pouvoir les commander en Angleterre par l'intermédiaire de View From The Trench. Vois à l'intérieur du dernier numéro.
(il s'agit d'un magazine dispo sur Internet, le lien est indiqué sur le site Histofig)