Brian Youse donne les détails de la manoeuvre et nous rassure sur le statut des précommandes précédentes (CSW, 17 août) :
a) the old preorders have not gone anywhere (they are not lost, we are not restarting at 0 for everything, its not going to take years for Angola to hit again, etc.)
b) we will give it a few days/week to 1) let more people register and 2) give us a chance to work out site kinks - there are bound to be many of them, before we even begin trying to contact people who have not registered.
and c) if necessary we'll just use the old recorded data.
Why do we want to do this? 15% failed cards for BRTGG - the why is simple, we took too damn long to get it out. But judging by the many people who came to us at WBC and said "Hey, I preordered this, what happened" there are clearly plenty of people with expired/different cards. We honored preorder pricing at WBC, so getting them their magazine was quite easy, but by asking people to check this now we hope to cut that 15% to a much more managable 3-4%.