ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

Etat d'avancement des travaux chez MMP

Hors ligne Robin Reeve

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De CSW - Chas Argent, ce 16 août 2011

How is the Overlay bundle coming?

Kurt's working on the last of the unpainted overlays, as well as finishing the Desert overlays, which all changed when we changed the base color of those maps. Once I get final art I will lay it out and off we go.

When will Budapest go on Pre-order?

We're still working on rules, and scenario proofing. Still have a few threads to tie up. It's getting close.
"Votre manière de penser quand vous perdez détermine combien de temps passera avant que vous gagniez."
G.K. Chesterton

Hors ligne Guillaume

  • Grognard en Maraude
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Euh, pour Buda, ça sentirait plutôt 2012.
Vu la quantité de matos sortis ces temps-ci, on s'en plaindra pas! Et puis on est loin des temps d'attente que l'on a connu avec AoO!!!

VotGCGIII Battle Along the Riverbank
Playtest FT
CI4 In the Nick of Time
FrF28 Luftkommando Hedderich
SP199 Para-Trap

Hors ligne jeep

  • Franc-Tireur Staff
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Pour Buda, Phil et moi avions fait du playtest sur des scénarios qui étaient quasiment "bon de guerre" lors de l'ASLOK 2006 ...

JP, pas pressé ...
"C'est vraiment trop zinjuste !"

Hors ligne Robin Reeve

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Sur le blog de Chas Argent sur MMP :

Hi Folks-

It's been awhile since my last update but summer has been hoppin' so here's the latest and greatest:

For King and Country began shipping to pre-orders last week. We had some packing issues with the shipment of counters from the printers, and lost several cases to damage, but still had enough to build and ship the module to preorders. Hopefully the printer will fix the mashed sheets and refill the order. The shipment also contained counters for the reprint of Starter Kit 3 but none of those were damaged. That game should be available again soon.

Special Ops #1 - Summer 2011, the "replacemet" magazine for both Operations and Operations Special Edition, debuted at the World Boardgaming Championships in early August. In addition to non-ASL content (including two games with counters and maps), Special Ops #1 contains two ASL scenarios, two ASL Starter Kit scenarios, and one article each on ASL ("Singling Must Be Taken") and Starter Kit ("ASLSK Corner"). Special Ops will be published twice a year (one winter issue and one summer) and will contain a mix of ASL and non-ASL content and is intended to showcase all of MMP's game lines. Look for Issue #2 early next year. It is currently availabl from MMP for $24.

We expect Action Pack 8: Roads Through Rome, with 10 scenarios by Gary Fortenberry and 3 maps by Charlie Kibler, to be on preorder this month. These maps are the same styles as those in Action Pack 6: A Decade of War. As the title suggest, the scenarios feature actions on the Italian mainland (with one in North Africa) including Free French, German, Italian, British, and American forces.

Festung Budapest cruises along in layout. The HASL will have 17 stand-alone scenarios, in addition to its 3 Campaign Games. Because many of the scenarios have multi-national orders of battle, and also some capability to "purchase" additional units, 12 of the 17 scenarios fill two sides of a scenario card (and one of them, called At The Narrow Passage, is a 3-player scenario with several charts and tables, so consumes *4* sides). We are hashing out all of the rules now and tuning up the last of the scenarios. I will work on counters next (although 1 of the 9 sheets has already been printed). We are looking for Festung Budapest to be on preorder later this year.

Rising Sun (the combined Japanese/Chinese/US Marine PTO reprint) continues to gather steam. The 32 scenarios are currently being proofed and the last of the rules edits are under review. The 2nd edition of Chapter G will contain several "Q&A" clarifications from the original. The scenarios themselves have had balance adjustments incorporated as needed, and also will under some "modernizing" of their language to bring rules references and so on up to current practice. Our goal is still to complete RS by the end of this year and have it ready fro pre-order.

Kurt Miller is working on the as-yet unpainted overlays for The Overlay Bundle and as he returns them to us I am working on laying them out for printing. The Overlay Bundle will contain every official overlay (with the exception of the Deluxe Overlays) and we hope to be able to die-cut many of them for ease of use.

Playtest for the ASL Journal 10 scenarios continues and I am working on article layout. If playtest continues to go well for them, we expect to include two 8" x 22" boards that form a "double-wide" village, and several scenarios which employ them.

On the "core" reprint horizon (and once RS is done) we'll be actively working on Hollow Legions, which will include the entire Italian OB (including Italian Chapter H); the Desert Rules (Chapter F); and the Desert maps, overlays and counters. Also, we will be including Soldiers of the Negus, originally designed by Rick Thomas, which covers actions from the Italo-Ethiopian War of 1936-36 and features counters and scenarios.

Also on the stove we have work ongoing for Korea ASL, Ortona, Slaughter at Ponyri, and several other projects that are simmering along.


"Votre manière de penser quand vous perdez détermine combien de temps passera avant que vous gagniez."
G.K. Chesterton

Hors ligne Lorenzo

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  • alea iacta est
Ça cause plus des finnois tout ça !

si vis pacem para bellum

Hors ligne pnaud

  • Franc-Tireur Staff
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    • Messages: 3 532
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J'aime bien les remarques sur le "proofing" et la guerre italo-éthiopienne de "1936-36" ...
et quand je lis qu'ils vont ressortir les Italiens APRES "Rising Sun" que l'on ne voit pas venir ... et "Hakka Pälle", comme dis l'ami Lorenzo  ?
Pour continuer en mode râleur, plutôt que de proposer un nouvel AP, ils devraient ressortir les modules de base. C'est vrai que dans le pack "Roads through Rome", il y a UN scénario avec des Italiens, et en Tunisie évidemment, mais je me répète ... je râle et je radote, ça baigne.

Hors ligne benj

  • Silly Squirrel
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  • You missed me, you didn't even touch me !!! (dud)
    • Cote 1664
Il va falloir se préparer à casser la tirelire ou vendre un rein pour Budapest : il parle quand même de *neuf* planches de pions !  Ça va piquer le porte-monnaie.
« Au final, le meilleur fumigène Russe reste le Panzerfaust »

Hors ligne Hill621

  • Cote 1664 Crew
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"Faisez des choix" qui disent nos banquiers !
Pour ma part, out les AP et autres fioritures, je me concentrerai sur ce qui change vraiment : les HASL !
J'achèterai les nippons quand MMP sortira la deuxième édition (ni mauvais d'ailleurs) et les finlandais pourront bien attendre eux aussi, après toutes ces années...
Heiður , Hugrekki , Aga og Hollusta
Honneur, Courage, Discipline et Loyauté

Hors ligne barns

  • Tanguero
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    • Messages: 5 049
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deling, deling, deling,

 rein  à vendre,  rein à vendre...
playtest VV vs Julien/Philippe Naud
CG été KGS Russe vs Hill621 Allemand
CG Smith ridge Coréen vs Julien Marines
tournoi forum 2024/2025

Hors ligne Hill621

  • Cote 1664 Crew
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deling, deling, deling,
rein  à vendre,  rein à vendre...

Vends plutôt tes gonades, les reins ont vu couler trop de liquides frelatés. :-D :-D :-D
Heiður , Hugrekki , Aga og Hollusta
Honneur, Courage, Discipline et Loyauté

Hors ligne barns

  • Tanguero
  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 5 049
    • +54/-1
Nan ! Certaine on un besoin necessaire !
playtest VV vs Julien/Philippe Naud
CG été KGS Russe vs Hill621 Allemand
CG Smith ridge Coréen vs Julien Marines
tournoi forum 2024/2025

Hors ligne Hill621

  • Cote 1664 Crew
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Nan ! Certaine on un besoin necessaire !

T'es à quelle banque toi ? :-D
Heiður , Hugrekki , Aga og Hollusta
Honneur, Courage, Discipline et Loyauté

Hors ligne grosbil

  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 2 377
    • +26/-0
  • La guerre, c'est rien à coté de la mère Crouzy !
You recently placed an order with Multi-Man Publishing, Inc.
This order (10801) has changed status to "Processing".

For King and Country vient de passer à l'étape suivante !!!

God Save She !
Overrun avec Tassin et Pithivier.... DRM -1
(Case B1 bis : tenaille dans la forêt de Machecoul)

Hors ligne grosbil

  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 2 377
    • +26/-0
  • La guerre, c'est rien à coté de la mère Crouzy !
You recently placed an order with Multi-Man Publishing, Inc.
This order (10801) has changed status to "Processing".

For King and Country vient de passer à l'étape suivante !!!

God Save She !

Packing !
Plus qu'à traverser l'Atlantique...
Overrun avec Tassin et Pithivier.... DRM -1
(Case B1 bis : tenaille dans la forêt de Machecoul)

Hors ligne Lorenzo

  • Modérateur
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    • Messages: 4 994
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  • alea iacta est
ça + 4 Operations Magazine !!
Tu as braqué une banque ou c'est la prime de Noël qui arrive en avance ???

si vis pacem para bellum