D'où sorts tu cela ?
Bizarre, je ne trouve pas cela dans le mien. Aucune note applicable ne le mentionne et dans le texte, après un rapide coup d'oeil sur ma version électronique, je ne le trouve pas non plus.
p.H72 [British Multi-Applicable Vehicle Note CC] Add this note, which applies to all Churchill tanks except as noted:Churchill tanks had unique transmissions allowing them to make steep climbs easier. Therefore a Churchill tank [EXC: while the Bridgelayer is carrying a bridge, the AVRE is carrying a fascine, or the Crocodile has its trailer hooked up] pays only 2 MP when ascending each intermediate level of an Abrupt Elevation Change (B10.51) instead of the normal 4 MP, and can cross a Double-Crest hexside (B10.52) but must check for Bog (D8.21) with a +2 DRM. [Applicable to WEST OF ALAMEIN]