Bonjour à tous
voici ma question: est-ce qu'un MMC autre que crew (SQ ou HS) servant un Gun est considéré comme crew provisoire? du coup si non, ce MMC peut-il tout de même tirer en intensif?

Intensive Fire is available only to Guns (not SW), and
can be used only if the crew of the Gun is not pinned, shocked, or stunned. An Intensive Firing Gun automatically gains one (and only one [EXC: OVR Prevention; 5.64]) additional shot during that Player Turn. Intensive Fire cannot be used during the AFPh except by an Opportunity Firer. A Gun cannot use Intensive Fire until it has already exhausted its normal ROF. A Gun which has Intensive Fired replaces its fire phase counter with an Intensive Fire counter.
définition d'un crew:
1.123 CREW:
A crew counter bears the silhouette of two kneeling men and represents roughly five men with special training who perform as a group to operate special weapon counters. A crew also represents picked men who are the best of their company regardless of their Morale Level as evidenced by their Self-Rally capability (10.63). As such, Infantry crew counters are always considered elite troops with a printed Morale Level equal to that of their nationality's Good Order elite squads as well as FP and Range factors of two. This Strength Factor serves to differentiate Infantry crew counters from dismounted vehicular (and thus non-elite) crew counters (D5.1).
merci à tous!