ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

question KGP [réglé]

Hors ligne fred1972

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durant le Refit Phase Kgp dit en :

8.6141 VEHICLES: Each side performs the applicable step(s) below for each vehicle in a friendly-Setup/Eligible-Entry Area.

a) STUNNED/ABANDONED: A side Retaining ≥ two Inherent crews currently marked with a “+#” (Stun) counter (see also SSR KGP12) in the same Setup or Entry Area may Eliminate ≥ one of those crews. For every two so Eliminated per Area, one vehicle-crew not marked with a “+#” (Stun) counter is added as Infantry to that Area. Each abandoned vehicle may remain abandoned, or may be remanned and operated (as per A21.22 or D5.42/D6.631) by Personnel (including each just-created vehicle-crew) Retained within the same Setup Area.

ma question est la suivante : pour reprendre possession du tank abandonné , il est spécifié que c'est possible mais avec la mention "as per A21.22 or D5.42/D6.631) et le point de règle D5.42 spécifie qu'il n'est possible de reprendre possession du tank abandonné qu'en Move Phase , je pense que le crew doit etre positionné sur la location du tank abandonné durant la refit phase et enuite à la Move il reprendra possession du tank ... on a une contradiction avec mon adversaire là dessus ...

copie du D5.42 ENTRY: An Infantry unit may enter an Abandoned vehicle to become its Inherent crew only if it occupies that vehicle’s Location at the start of its MPh (not APh) and expends all of its MF to do so [EXC: CCPh; A21.2]. It may also attempt to hook up a Gun as it does so. See also 5.43. A vehicle may not be entered during the same Player Turn in which its previous crew left [EXC: CCPh; A21.2].

« Modifié: 04 Janvier 2015, 15:02 par fred1972 »

Hors ligne Philippe Briaux

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Tel que je le comprends : Le type remonte dans le tank durant la Refit Phase. Tout le blabla concerne ce qui se passe durant cette Refit Phase.
« Modifié: 04 Janvier 2015, 15:05 par Philippe Briaux »

Hors ligne fred1972

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