Ah, en fait il y a une différence entre MPh et APh apparemment :
- En MPh la dernière phrase de B23.922 indique que le squad perd son concealment
- En APh il y a une Q/A qui dit que le squad dans la loc fortifiée garde son concealment (il est juste révélé ainsi que la loc fortifiée le temps de justifier le rejet du HS).
A12.15 & B23.922
There is Concealed squad in a yet unrevealed Fortified Building Location. During the Advance Phase, an enemy Infantry unit attempts to Advance into this Fortified Building Location. Is it correct, that the Fortified Building Location would be revealed but the Concealment of the squad in the Fortified Building Location is retained because the attempted entry is happening during the Advance Phase?
A. The squad would be temporarily revealed to proof its existence and then retain concealment.