ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

FTC pack III

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  • Rédac Chef du LFT
  • Franc-Tireur Staff
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    • Messages: 3 323
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  • Noli facere nautam cacare
    • Le Franc Tireur, le magazine des fanatiques d'ASL
Here is a list of the contents of the pack, to be released early July:

ASL SCENARIO FT99, ?The doomed ?Tirailleurs?, L?Arbresle near lyon, France, 19 June 1940:
6.5 turns, played on part of the PB map. A French company with some nice SW (HMG, MMG, 60* MTR?) defends against an attack of a company of the Totenkopf supported by four AC (new counters provided for these PSW P 178 (f) ).

ASL SCENARIO, FT100 ?Hajra!?, 16 miles north of Nikolayev, Russia, 16 August 1941:
7.5 turns, two maps. The entrenched / dug in Russian defends against a mixed force of SS (2 platoons of the Leibstandarte) and a squadron of Hungarian cavalry (14 squads).

ASL SCENARIO FT101, ?Fire and Ice?, Kljuc, Yugoslavia , 8 February 1943: 
5.5 turns, 2 half mapboards, Partisans against two German columns; one from the Prinz Eugen (with two Fl-Wg B2 (f), counters provided) and a couple of squads, another from Infanterie Division 717.

ASL SCENARIO FT102, ?The Bulge?, La Varde, France, 19 July 1944 (this is in Normandy):
5.5 turns, one mapboard, the US green troops have to defend a hamlet surrounded by marsh with a single ATG and a Baz 44. Against them, and attacking at 1:1 odds, a small company from the 17th Pz Gr Div supported by a couple of assault guns.

ASL SCENARIO FT103, ?Slava!?, Kniazhe, Poland, 21 July 1944:
7.5 turns, two half boards. Russian defend against a composite force of Whermacht and SS, supported by a single captured T-34 41 (black counter provided too).

ASL SCENARIO FT104, ?Flying the flag of Poland?, Wola district, Warsaw , Poland, 8 August 1944:
7.5 turns, three maps, and nice toys for both sides. The Poles have a couple of Panthers in defense while the SS from the sinister Dirlewanger Division get some armored support in the form of four assault guns and a Flammpanzer III?. Wild!

ASL SCENARIO FT105, ?Smashing into Vlasotince?, Vlasotince, Yugoslavia , 6 October 1944:
6.5 turns and 2 half boards, where the Bulgarians have to defend a building against an important force of the Prinz Eugen, supported with several AFVs. The Defender has to choose among 3 different groups to prepare his defense, all of them including AFVs and some other nice assets.

ASL SCENARIO FT106, ?Counterattack along the Danube?, Budapest, Hungary, 24 December 1944:
3 mapboards (all from the starter kits) and 8 turns for this big engagement between elements of the 2nd Guard Mechanized Corps and mixed elements of the SS Florian Geyer Division and of Hungarian troops. Meaty scenario with many ?toys? for both sides!

ASL SCENARIO FT107, ?Race at Longchamps?, Longchamps, Belgium, Januray 3rd 1945:
Part of the La Gleize map is used for another cool scenario opposing the 2/502 PIR to a couple of companies from the SS Hohenstaufen Division. Once again, many interesting assets in both OBs (HMG, MMG, DC, FT, and so on).

ASL SCENARIO FT108, ?The damned die hard?, Vienna, Austria, 11 April 1945;
The gem of the pack, designed by Scott :). Three mapboards and 8.5 turns for an apocalyptic fight between the fanatical remnants of the SS Das Reich Division and hordes of Russians (close to 40 Squads) of the 9th Guard Mechanised Corps. 10 AFVs or more per side, Königstigers, Panthers, JS tanks and even a T-34 with FT. This is the very best scenario of the pack, IMHO, but don?t expect to play it within an afternoon!


Le Franc-Tireur: