J'ai un doute.
On décide de l'ILH pour chaque planeur et on détermine l'
avenue of approach selon la direction du vent:
All gliders landing during the scenario must land facing the current Wind Direction; therefore, each glider is placed so as to face that particular hexside of the ILH, thus defining the Hex Grain (not Alternate Hex Grain) approach of that ILH. This Avenue of Approach comprises the five hexes that directly precede the glider's ILH
Ce donc les 5 hexs sous le vent de l'ILH. Ensuite:
8.22 LANDING: To land in its final ILH, each glider must make a Landing DR () and roll ≤ 1 on the Final colored dr. If it fails to land in its ILH, it will overshoot the ILH if the white dr is ≥ 4 or fall short of it if the white dr is ≤ 3. The glider misses its ILH long or short by one hex for every number > 1 on its Final Landing colored dr. The colored dr is subject to modification only as follows:
Landing colored drm:
-1 Per each consecutive hex along the Avenue of Approach that is clear of an Obstacle whose topmost height is ≥ one level higher than the Base Level of the ILH. There can be no such Obstacle between the ILH and any of the non-Obstacle hexes for which a drm is claimed. Half-Level Obstacles and SMOKE do not apply.
+1 Per each full level above the Base Level of the ILH of the highest Obstacle that is within the Avenue of Approach.
J'en déduis qu'un planeur dont l'ILH est clair (c'est à dire qu'aucun hex de l'
avenue of approach ne contient d'obstacle est 100% sûr d'atterrir dans l'ILH car il a un drm de -5.
C'est correct ? parce que ça me semble suspect que ça puisse réussir automatiquement