I apologize for this English-language post. I can only read this forum with the help of Google translations.

I also apologize for going back to the original subject, rather than discussing playtesting.
I just wanted to say that I was amused that someone else had designed a scenario on the 1944 Japanese counteroffensive on Bougainville that also used "Cut, Slash, and Mow Them Down" as a scenario title.
The phrase is so evocative that anybody who comes across it will want to use it. So I cannot criticize someone else for using the same title I did.
After all, in Few Returned, I share a scenario title (99%) with a Friendly Fire scenario of the same action (The Valley of Death/Valley of Death). It was another case of both designers coming across a phrase that seemed very fitting.
Plus on est de fous, plus on rit (?)