Quelques petits addenda utiles (à mon avis) :
... et pendant qu'il abandonne le véhicule, le crew est considéré en Open Ground, sur le CAFP du véhicule, donc assez vulnérable aux tires de Def First Fire. Après, il est considéré dans l'obstacle.
D6.5 : "... . Passengers/Riders of a vehicle in Bypass which unload (even if they do not have enough remaining MF to move into the obstacle) or which during their MPh Abandon/Survive/Bail-Out (5.4-.6, 6.24) are assumed to be in the terrain of the vehicle's CAFP (2.36) for purposes of any Defensive First Fire vs them. Immediately after all such First Fire is resolved, they are assumed to be in the woods or building terrain of the obstacle itself. Unlike AFV, Infantry may not move (on their own) and fire in the same phase."
Ensuite, s'il y a des ennemis dans l'obstacle, on place un pion CC sur tout le monde:
PRC may unload or Bail Out in an enemy-occupied hex with no special rules or consequences unless they do so from a vehicle in Bypass (A12.151); place a CC counter to show they are not held in Melee.
... et si certains ennemis sont concealed, ils sont tous révélés (de même pour les unités débarquées du véhicule) :
A12.151 : ... However, should Defensive Fire, the presence of other unknown units in the planned exit hex, or other unforeseen circumstances force a Bypass Infantry unit (or any other Infantry unit which legally ends its MPh in the same Location) to end its MPh prematurely in the Bypass Location with a concealed enemy unit, all concealment in that Location is lost.