Et bien moi, je suis d'accord avec moi même !

Page A20, planqué au milieu de l'exemple :
If the LMG (only) were already marked with a First Fire counter when the 6-2-8 was first attacked in W2,
that attack would use 11 FP ({4 [4-6-7 FPJ + 1'1, [LMG Area Fire]} x 2 [pBF] = 11) since the LMG would be using Sustained Fire, and the 8-1 would not be able to direct it (since the FG would now contain a new unit not directed by that Leader during Defensive First Fire; 7.53); the 4-6-7 would then be marked with a First Fire counter while the LMG's First Fire counter would be flipped to its Final Fire side. If on the other hand only the squad had First Fired previously, after the first attack on the 6-2-8 both the 4-6-7 and its LMG would be marked with a Final Fire counter (even if the German player opted not to use the LMG in that attack; 8.3).
Le seul truc qui me gène c'est qu'il y a eu un errata qui n'est pas pris en compte dans l'exemple.
Ils indiquent que le squad est first et la MG est final alors qu'en fait, 2 doivent passer en final par l'errata de 8.3 : "If a unit,
or any SW/Gun it possesses, uses Subsequent First Fire (or Intensive Fire) then that unit and all its SW/Guns are marked with a Final Fire counter".