ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

Dernières nouvelles MMP (courriel du 13.2.2016)

Hors ligne Robin Reeve

  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 5 690
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Chas' ASL Valentine's Day Update
Work on the YANKS reprint is winding up as we complete the counter art, the layout for the revised American Chapter H, the 40(!) scenarios, and the box. As with RISING SUN, much of the counter art no longer existed in a usable format, so many of the vehicle and gun counters in particular have been "re-built from scratch". This gives us the opportunity to increase the size of the actual art and also to clean up the appearance of the counters themselves.
ASL Journal 11 Now Shipping!
After a brief hiccup at the printers, JOURNAL 11 is finally delivered and now shipping to preorders. This is a 60-page magazine for Advanced Squad Leader and features articles, the latest Q&A/errata, twenty-five ASL scenarios (including one Deluxe, one Operation Veritable, one Festung Budapest, and two Valor Of The Guards scenarios), and three Squad Bleeder scenarios (and their associated purchase charts), all printed on cardstock.
JOURNAL 11 includes the following articles:
The Best Campaign Game Ever? Mike McGrath explores Valor Of The Guards CG IV "Savage Streets of Stalingrad".
The Halfling Aaron Cleavin details why you are probably not Deploying often enough.
Forgotten War by Kenneth P. Katz presents a preview of the Korean War ASL module.
Squad Bleeder III is Bret Hildebran's next installment of the ASLOK "fog of war" tournament scenarios.
Relaxing With Intensive Fire J.R. Tracy sez: "Don't worry! It'll be fine!"
Slaughter At Ponyri HASL Jim Aikens, Jeff Coyle, and Pete Shelling describe the design and playtest details of this upcoming Historical ASL module.
Getting To Know Gavutu-Tanambogo Jon Neall takes you on a tour of this exotic island destination.
Rivers To The Reich Jim Stahler celebrates the last of the Squad Leader scenario conversions.
The Vierville-sur-Mer Boat Club Chas Argent wants YOU to reach the beach in scenario AP101 When I Call Roll.
Recon: The 10th Guards Rifle Division Action Pack Ken Dunn is having another baby.
Debrief: This issue's errata updates, and details about the scenario updates for the new edition of YANKS.
We've already begun work on the articles and scenarios for JOURNAL 12.
"Votre manière de penser quand vous perdez détermine combien de temps passera avant que vous gagniez."
G.K. Chesterton

Hors ligne Cyril

  • 10-3
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    • Messages: 779
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On a des images des nouvelles cartes du dernier WO pack ?
"The Dude, or His Dudeness, or Duder, or, you know, El Duderino, if you're not into the whole brevity thing" The Big L

Hors ligne Robin Reeve

  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 5 690
    • +90/-0
Je crois en avoir vu sur Gamesquad. Une des cartes est intéressante, en ce qu'elle présente une zone marécageuse.
"Votre manière de penser quand vous perdez détermine combien de temps passera avant que vous gagniez."
G.K. Chesterton

Hors ligne Signal

  • 10-0
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    • Messages: 398
    • +4/-1
D'après les infos diverses ils ont dans les tuyaux un module historique sur les combats (qui se sont finis en match nul avec avantage aux Allemands, qui restent maîtres du terrain après le retrait américain) sur Hatten (nord de l'Alsace) en janvier 45...

Un sujet bien sympa sur une bataille trop méconnue !

Vue la vitesse à laquelle ils passent du projet au développement, on devrait le voir publié d'ici une quinzaine d'années... Je ne suis pas prêt d'y guider des joueurs d'asl qui veulent découvrir le champ de bataille en vrai :-D !
Audentes Fortuna juvat
Aux audacieux la Fortune sourit


Hors ligne Philippe Briaux

  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 4 276
    • +47/-1
Voici la la suite (dont Hatten) :

We are working on finishing up reprints for Starter Kits 2 and 3, and also for a map re-stock (several individual 8" x 22" ASL maps have been out of print)...We expect to receive the final submission for the RED OCTOBER Historical ASL module in the next month...Several other HASLs are moving along nicely as well: Dan Dolan's HASL for DINANT (Germans vs French, May 1940); SLAUGHTER AT PONYRI (Germans vs Russian, July 1943), which, based on some new information, now has an updated (and enlarged) map (and Pete Shelling is hard at work updating his scenario designs to fit it); and FLAMES IN HATTEN (American vs German, January 1945), designed by Andy Rogers, is in playtesting at MMP.

Hors ligne pnaud

  • Franc-Tireur Staff
  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 3 493
    • +34/-0
Hatten, cool... mais du brutal et du lourd. C'est un peu Ponyri en Alsace.
Les Allemands ont beaucoup de Panzers, sans grosses bêtes, mais ils ont quand même des Jgdpz 38 (t) lance-flammes...