ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !


Invité · 6 · 5006


  • Invité
Nous regardons le destroyer allemand et son équipage qui ont pris part à la campagne de Narvik.

Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas de scénario Narvik?

Maintenant il y en a un!

Hors ligne barns

  • Tanguero
  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 5 032
    • +54/-1
sympa !
playtest VV vs Julien/Philippe Naud
CG été KGS Russe vs Hill621 Allemand
CG Smith ridge Coréen vs Julien Marines
tournoi forum 2024/2025

Hors ligne Lorenzo

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    • Messages: 4 974
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  • alea iacta est
Merci Tim tu nous gâtes !
Je regardes ce soir si je n'ai pas le "Defiance of the Narvik Military Academy" dans mes archives...
si vis pacem para bellum

Hors ligne pnaud

  • Franc-Tireur Staff
  • 1-4-9
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    • Messages: 3 526
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Maintenant il y en a un!

Nice job !
Just a few historical remarks :
- the French mountain units are "Chasseurs Alpins".
- the Polish mountain Brigade, the "Brigade Autonome des Chasseurs de Podhale" was raised and equipped by the French, see ASL Journal n°3.

Hors ligne Lorenzo

  • Modérateur
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    • Messages: 4 974
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  • alea iacta est

j'ai retrouvé ça !!! C'est en mode texte.

PheonixCon `91 Advanced Squad Leader Tournament

7: The Defiance of the Narvik Military Academy
May 8th, 1940. Outskirts of Narvik, Norway. The cadets of Narvik Military
Academy have proved to be rather obstinant in their defense.  After several
assaults of the heights overlooking Narvik and the Academy, the cadets withdrew
and reinforced the campus below.  German High Command was infuriated in the
delays these "children" were causing, and dispatched elements of the 16th Heavy
Weapons Battalion to support the assault on the Academy and capture of the
bridge.  The cadets dug in and prayed for reinforcements from the Norwegian
Army.  Just as the German assault was to start, a lone gun, borrowed from the
BEF, opened up from across the foggy river to get the Germans off on the wrong

VICTORY CONDITIONS: Germans must control 5 of 6 multi-story Buildings on the
South edge of Board 8, and there can be no good order Norwegian MMC within
normal range (infantry not SW) to the bridge from any hex on the South side of
the river. A DRAW occurs if only one of the two victory conditions is met.

TURNS: 5, Norwegians setup first and "move" first per SSR 3.
BOARDS: Bd 8 West (8 in center(folded in half) North), Bd 2 East (2 in SW
   corner) Hexes rows A-P incl. Any half-hex which has two terrains at
   border of Bd 8 and Bd 2 is considered the non-open ground for TEM, etc.
        It is considered as drawn for LOS purposes.

Norwegian forces: Remnants of the Narvik Military Academy Corp of Cadets (ELR 3
    SAN 3) setup anywhere South of River and North of Road 2P1-2I2-2A5.
   2x4-5-7, 6x4-3-7, 10-2, 7-0, 1xHmg, 1xLmg, 3xWire, 3xFortified Building
    Locations, 4x?; Borrowed Artillery from the BEF sets up in hex 8O8:
   1x2-2-8, 1x88ART(British); Elements of the 2nd Norwegian Mechanized
   Company enter mounted on motorcycles on Turn 3 at hex 8I10: 3x4-5-8
   1xLmg 9-1 3xMotorcycles.

Germans forces: Combined Assault Group from the 1st Pioneer Battalion, the 16th
   Heavy Weapons Battalion, and the 3rd Army Group (ELR 3 SAN 3);Setup on
   Board 2 Level 3: 2x2-2-8, 1x150* INF Gun, 1x75* INF Gun. Setup South of
   road 2P1-2I2-2A5: 2x8-3-8 2xDC +
   Bid from 12x4-6-7 to 5x4-6-7 by HS with the following Ldrs/SWs:
   n   12x4-6-7 1xMmg 2xLtm 9-1 8-1 8-0 7-0.
   n   9x4-6-7 remove 1xLmg 1xLtm 1x8-1.
   n   7x4-6-7 remove 1xMmg.
   n   5x4-6-7 remove 1x9-1, add 8-1.
1.   EC is wet. +2 Fog at Level 1 exists, mild breeze from the South at
   start, river is deep, current is strong.
2.   Only Hexes A-P on both boards are playable. A 2-Lane Stone Bridge
   exists from 8I9 to 8I4 inclusive, Hex 2M4 is open ground. The Bridge
   cannot be rubbled.
3.   As the sole action of the Norwegian Turn 1, the 88ART may fire in the
   Advance Fire Phase only as opportunity fire at any non-fog location.
4.   Motorcyclists must exit South side of Bridge before counting as part of
   the victory conditions.

si vis pacem para bellum

Hors ligne pnaud

  • Franc-Tireur Staff
  • 1-4-9
  • *
    • Messages: 3 526
    • +35/-0
Just as the German assault was to start, a lone gun, borrowed from the
BEF, opened up from across the foggy river to get the Germans off on the wrong

Et bien un canon de la BEF en Norvège, et un 25-pdr en plus, le 8 mai 1940, moi qui pensais connaître le sujet !
Comme dirait l'autre, il y a quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rond au royaume de Norvège...  :-D