ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

Repair SSR in the Defencive Fire Phase

Hors ligne scott_holst

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Hi all-

What do you guys thing of this SSR:

Any time during the Opponents Movement Phase and / or the  Defensive Fire Phase and unless marked      with a  First Fire Counter,  the Defending player may make one repair attempt for each malfunctioned      MA or Gun as if the attempt was preformed during the Rally Phase [EXC: Failure to Repair an MA and      / or  Gun Marks that unit with a  Final fire counter]

Is it too complicated, is to simple, is it easy to under stand?


Hors ligne X

  • Rédac Chef du LFT
  • Franc-Tireur Staff
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  • Noli facere nautam cacare
    • Le Franc Tireur, le magazine des fanatiques d'ASL
Have to read it thouroughfully but it's understandable :)
Le Franc-Tireur:


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It seems it would increase the possibilities of repair attempts (e.g three times per game turn).
What reason would you give for such a modification?

Hors ligne X

  • Rédac Chef du LFT
  • Franc-Tireur Staff
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  • Noli facere nautam cacare
    • Le Franc Tireur, le magazine des fanatiques d'ASL
Since this is supposed to be an SSR, I guess it's a scenario depicting an action against a Combat Support unit or something like this ;)
Le Franc-Tireur:

Hors ligne scott_holst

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Actually; I should word the SSR better because the opponent only gets two repair attempts, one in the rally phase and one at the beginning of his opponents movement phase. I thought about having the repair attempt done anytime during the opponents movement phase, but then we start running into rules problems such as:

"If my gun breaks in first fire, can I make a repair attempt"

If the gun is being overrun, can I make a repair attempt?

Questions like those can make things complicated, so hence, the opponent makes one repair attempt at the start of his opponents  movement phase, failure marks the unit first fired.

The reason why bI am incluiding such an SSR is because I always hated when a tank can drive right up to a gun with no regards to life and try and destroy the gun, it was unrealistic. Same goes for an AFV whose MA is melfunctioned, did'nt you hate it when an enemy AFV is able to drive right and shoot up your tank?

Bottom line, I'm trying to add a little fog of war.



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The reason why bI am incluiding such an SSR is because I always hated when a tank can drive right up to a gun with no regards to life and try and destroy the gun, it was unrealistic. Same goes for an AFV whose MA is melfunctioned, did'nt you hate it when an enemy AFV is able to drive right and shoot up your tank?
I understand that reason very well. It is linked to the omniscient player syndrome.
I would advocate a similar rule for depletion numbers : before setup, roll for depletion for all guns and special ammo.
You know what ammo can be used during the next shot, and when you fire the gun using the special ammo, you roll for its next shot each time.
This will help not to sit in front of a dangerous enemy, not knowing if you have APCR/HEAT, etc. until you fire...

Hors ligne scott_holst

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Hi all-

I like your idea on the 1 to 3 repaired and the 4 to 6 disabled dr. That will certainally add caution when the attacker approach's a Gun or AFV with broken MA's.


Hors ligne Disrupt Michael

  • FFL-ASL Staff
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  • Michel Bongiovanni
Why not add SSRs such as:

- A weapon is never marked with a malfuncting MA, even if it rolls more or equal to its B# (or simpliest: A9.7 is NA)
- A unit possessing a malfunctioned weapon may not be overrun, nor can an ennemy AFV enter its hex (to avoid omniscience of the player who knows that the SW is malfonctioning when his AFV driver don't known it).
- Or find a procedure like the one about extra black chit for fing OBA upon concealed-only ennemy unit (C1.21)

But is it a SSR or are you trying to change the rules so as they fit to your vision of what a tactical level WWII wargame must be?

SSR are needed in a scenario to depict some effects particular to the situation (such as terrain changes, weather, the presence of an heroic character, AFV with no fuel etc...) or to avoid some gamey tactics that could "kill" the scenario balance when used (such as kindling is NA). The SSR you invoke may be useful in a scenario where the defense relies on key weapons (such as an AT gun), but i'm sure that there is better ways to balance the scenario (with some change in the OoB, to not rely on only one weapon).
To add a SSR because you "always hated when a tank can drive right up to a gun with no regards to life and try and destroy the gun, it was unrealistic." is not a good idea.

In this case, add a SSR such as:
-ASL rules are not in use. Play this scenario with a better game system.

Me, i'm often annoyed, when ennemy comes behind my broken unit to eliminate them in failure to rout. Should i ad a house rule allowing unit to attempt self rally at the beginning of the ennemy MPh?