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The Doomed Moroccan Poilu

Hors ligne scott_holst

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Hi all-

Finally finished the scenario with the SS fighting the French Moroccan units in L?Arbresle near Dijin. Check it out and let me know what you think:


Hors ligne aborel

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Hi Scott,

interesting stuff, especially considering that the role of colonial troops during World War II has been a fashionable topic last year in France. I find it very educative to discover some of the actions they were involved in.
However, I'd like to offer one small bit of (constructive) criticism: I think the city name you were looking for is Dijon, not Dijin. Unless it has a different form in English, of which I wasn't aware?

Hors ligne scott_holst

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Spelling corrected on scenario card. Thanks for pointing out my error, I really glad for the help.


Hors ligne scott_holst

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Hi Mr. T;
Thanks for your input, below are my responces plus it is almost 6 in the morning here in the USA, so I'm feeling kind of tired:

<< have ten remarks:

- SSR4: If Moroccans are considered Gurkhas, they are immune to cowering, since Gurkhas are British elite troops. As it might not be your intention, you might want to rephrase.>>

I noted in the SSR that the Moroccans are still subject to cowering.

<<- SSR3: this could be clarified. Something like ?Due to fatigue, SS MMCs suffer Unit Replacement normally (A19.132)? could work.>>

I was under the impression that Unit Replacement means to replace with a lower quality unit. With an underlined moral, if the unit in question fails his Moral check as well as exceeding ELR, that unit is replaced by two half squads. So I see no reason to revise SSR 3.

<<- Historical introduction: line 2 individual, not individule
- Historical introduction: line 8: France?s, not France>>


<<- SSR1: EC, not EC?s
- SSR4: ?is in effect?, not ?in in effect?>>


<<- PB Board orientation: to show direction, the arrow should point at a different hex than the hex it is located>>

Hmmm, I really can not under stand what you are saying here, the Arrow on the scenario card  looks pretty clear to me, then again, I'v been up for 24 hours so my mind might be a little tired.

<<- Aftermath, line 8: L?Arbresle, not L?Arbreslen
- Aftermath line 8: its, not it?s>>


<<- Finally, one historical remark. According to Sydnor?s ?Soldiers of Destruction?, the action that day involved only 30 Moroccans (?the SS men (?) killed every one of the thirty Moroccans soldiers involved in the skirmish?) ?see pages 116-117). The Unit involved in the action was the ?Fifth company of the Second Battalion/SSTK/I.R.2?. Maybe you have more detailed info on the action.>>

I have the same book plus To Lose a Battle, both are very good sources on composing this scenario.

Good night all


Hors ligne pnaud

  • Franc-Tireur Staff
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Dear Mr Holst,

The action seems very interesting but also seems wrong on three crucial points :
- The SS Aufklärungs-Abteilung had no German ACs. The division began the campaign with PzKpfw 35(t) but seemed to lost all around Arras during the British armored counterattack. The SS-Totenkopf used some captured French tanks after that battle but let them behind during the pursuit in June. BUT, the AA used some captured French AC's - AMD 35 - to the end of the campaign.
- also, the French armor isn't historical at all. These AMD were only used in North Africa and French Levant. Only one BCC fields the D1 during the campaign and was dispersed with hardly an operational tank at that time. Also, French armor seemed unlikely in that battle- see below.
- the encounter at l'Arbresle was against black troops - 25e Régiment de Tirailleurs Sénégalais - with some support from 75L AA guns (not present at l'Arbresle) and European units. The SS needed infantry and artillery support to finally succeed. Thet spoke of "Moroccans", as the GD which also encountered black troops at that time probably because they were more "honourable" ennemies than the despised "Schwarze".

Sincerely Yours

Philippe Naud

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    • Le Franc Tireur, le magazine des fanatiques d'ASL

Hors ligne scott_holst

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Hi Philippe-

Please call me scott, Mr seems like it is for old people.

Well, I would belive you are correct Philippe since you are much closer to getting good information then I am. So with that said here are some questions:

Did the SS go into battle against the 25e Régiment de Tirailleurs Sénégalais with AMD 35 AC's? Or was this just an infantry action.

Were the 25e Régiment de Tirailleurs Sénégalais the ones with the long knives used in close combat? Did they have any kind of Anti-tank capability?

From what I have gathered so far, it seem's this battle may have been an infantry battle with OBA for the SS. Am I wrong?

Once more, many thanks for the help.


Hors ligne hugo

  • Franc-Tireur Staff
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 I'm agree with Mister Naud  ;-). Totenkopf met Morccans early in the campaign but not the 19th June. One more thing SS troops had Czech's MG (ZB vz.26) and should used SWs from Axis Minors. They get MG 34 only in December 40 !!

  I think that the use of sidecars or motorcycles would be more accurate (2.Schwdr./SS-T.Aufkl.-Abt. Comp "BECK").

  The A-T capability of the 25e RTS is unclear (probably not) but the 253e batterie of 405e Régiment de DCA using 75 Mle 97 Adapté (Chapter H French Ordonance note 21.) is present around. 4 men of the batterie (at least) will be executed.

  Did the senegalese used their long knives (machettes) in close combat ? The answer is probably yes along with bayonets and other things...

   The SS used the fourth gun of the 5.Bttr./SS-T.Art.Rgt in support at close range.

    Hope to be helpfull.
« Modifié: 14 Octobre 2007, 22:31 par hugo »
" Soldats de la Légion Etrangère, votre drapeau n'a pas de plis  assez amples pour contenir tous vos titres de gloire !! "

  Général DELIGNY

Hors ligne pnaud

  • Franc-Tireur Staff
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Hi Scott

Sorry for the "Mister", but, because I'm long past my 20th birthday,  I'm rather old myself  ;-)
I think you're right for the AMD 35 AC's on the German side. From my sources, the SS motorcyclists seemed to first take contact, followed by the infantry.
The Senegalese probably (?) get a pair of 25 LL ATG's - Batallion allotment. Heavier guns seemed to be rather engaged vs the GD. The Senegalese did not have any particular hand-to-hand weaponry, except in the Germans minds ...


Hors ligne scott_holst

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You guys are awesome!

I will revise the scenario today.

As for the AC's, in of my sources, it just mentioned the SS had Armored Cars, so I just assumed the AC's would be the typical PSW 222's.

As for the Senegalese Close combat capability, I would like to keep SSR 4, the Senegalese can declare hand to hand with a -1 if they feel the need to do such an action. Thus it might keep the SS from getting to bold on the attack. Would you guy's agree?


Hors ligne hugo

  • Franc-Tireur Staff
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 Right it gives some chrome !!
" Soldats de la Légion Etrangère, votre drapeau n'a pas de plis  assez amples pour contenir tous vos titres de gloire !! "

  Général DELIGNY