Un véhicule en CC avec squad pourrait donc faire un delay dans l'Hex pour tirer sur le squad, puis rester dans l'hex en CC...!? (sans que le squad ne puisse réagir)
Parcequ'un AFV en Mêlée pourrait donc tirer en PFPh sur le squad..?
11.7 VEHICLE WITHDRAWAL FROM CC: A vehicle is never held in Melee and, if Mobile, may move out of a CC Location normally in its MPh. An Immobile vehicle or a vehicle which opts to stay in a Location where it started its turn with Known armed enemy units may only fire at enemy units in that Location (7.212) and must use To Hit Case E for any ordnance attacks. Even though a vehicle cannot be held in Melee, a non-Abandoned, "unbroken" (12.1) vehicle holds all Known enemy Infantry occupying the same Location after a CCPh in Melee as long as it remains in the Location (unless in-Motion/Non-Stopped).
TPBF pour les MGs/IFE, mais +2 pour le Gun sans bénéfice de l'acquisition.