Peut-être que d'autres interprètent différemment ces 2 point?
Oui moi!

Pour le T-34/85 la note J dit "This AFV may possibly carry smoke dischargers (sD). Use rule D13 [EXC: they are usable only once per scenario].". C'est le "possibly" qui me défrise, pourquoi ils n'auraient pas mis simplement "This AFV carries smoke dischargers" etc ?
Pour le squad HIP, je remets la règle à laquelle je me réfère :
"A5.5 EQUIVALENTS: Five SMC equal a HS, and
two crews/HS equal a squad, but ≤ 4 SMC count as zero squad-equivalents. However, if an Infantry crew/HS is manning a Gun it is considered equal to a squad for stacking purposes.7
A squad's equivalent can be substituted for a squad which has been given special capabilities by a SSR so as to share those special capabilities (e.g., if a SSR specifies that a squad may set up hidden, two hidden HS can be used instead provided that nationality is allowed to Deploy HS)."