ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

Hello! I'm Dave ("Pioupioudave14"), And I'm New To The Forum

Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Hello to all of you.  I'm Dave Gaba from Schenectady, New York in the USA.  I'm new to this forum, and I discovered this site after I joined the GameSquad Forum.  I've played ASL off and on from 1991, and I still consider myself a rookie (Inexperienced Green SMC) ;-).  I hope that I can learn some things here from a lot of you long-term ASL 'grognards'.  I look forward to hearing from all of you, thank you!

Best Regards,
Dave Gaba
"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."

Hors ligne X

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Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Hello, Xavier!  Thank you for the welcome, I appreciate it.  Yes, I can read a little French.  It's funny how (after nearly thirty years!) that I still remember some of my French lessons from school  :-D!  I should buy a 'Rosetta Stone' or 'Berlitz' Language DVD, and sit down to learn it all over again... :-$ ;-).
Anyway, I'm very happy to see that the Forum here is as thriving as the GameSquad forum that I participate with in the US, and it is probably even better  8).  By the way, I'm also what is called in the US a "Counter Troll".  I enjoy drawing counter artwork for different subjects, except that my methods are very "Old School".  I draw an image, then I will reduce the image on a photocopier.  I place the reduced image onto a pre-made paper square that has the information on it for MMCs or SMCs. Usually, I then reduce the counter image for copying onto colored paper.  That is how I would make "Personal SMCs and MMCs" for myself and my gaming buddies.  No computers, no CorelDraw, no PhotoShop are used.  I just use paper and pencil (or pen), and then a photocopier.  As I said, "Old School"  ;-)!
Thanks again for welcoming me here.  I hope we will talk of many things.

"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."


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Welcome here, Dave!
As you see, I am moderator here as well as at GS...
Both forums are complementary, IMO.
I hope you will have some fun and interest lurking around here. ;-)

Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Thank you, too, Robin.  I hope to.  How does one say, "Counter Troll" in French?? ;-) :-D
"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."


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How does one say, "Counter Troll" in French?? ;-) :-D
Direct translation : "Troll à pions"... keep the English expression, as French ASLers do master a minimal English.

Hors ligne Jérôme

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D'où la très shakespearienne expression du fils aîné de l'Intendant du Gondor lors de la bataille de la Moria : "They have a Counter Troll". La suite a montré qu'ils avaient non seulement un Troll des Marqueurs, mais aussi un Balrog (qui signifie peut-être : un mauvais jet de dés ?).

Sorry it's not in english, it's not even funny.

Hors ligne Memenne

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Hi Dave ! Welcome here.
You'll see : we are a little bit crazy but not dangerous...
Qui a dit que les hommes ne font jamais l'ASL ?


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Seems he is ghosting here for www1 asl like quantuuum (sorry if I make mistaken with the pseudo 8-O )
Welcome Dave  :-)
« Modifié: 09 Novembre 2007, 23:08 par Starlancer »

Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Hi, Starlancer.  I don't know anything about what 'ghosting' means, and I only met Quantuum on GameSquad forum this week after joining up there.  I don't know of any background problems existing among members here.  I've played ASL off-and-on since 1991, but I'm still a very inexperienced player.  I actually e-mailed Dogan Ogreten about 'ASL La Grande Guerre' back in September 2004, but within two weeks of speaking with him, I had to give up on this because of my parents' health problems and work obligations.  I've always wanted to return to this, and I was involved in World War 1 re-enacting here in the U.S., too.  For me, it's the best of both worlds!  I learn more about playing ASL, and I also get to enjoy my hobby of World War 1 study at the same time.  I even decided on "Pioupioudave14" just this week from reading information on a French WW1 re-enacting unit here in the U.S.  From what it says on the 151st Infantry Regiment's website, "pioupiou" meant "fresh trooper" back in 1914.  It suits me, I think.  There you have it, as far as my reasons go. I've been honest with you.  If I have worn out my welcome after just being here two days, I'll say "merci et au revoir" and be on my way.  Talk to you soon.

--Dave :-)
"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."


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Hi Dave. I don't wanted to insulting you  :-$ Sorry if you take it like that.Welcome here once again, as I did say earlier.  :-)

Hors ligne Jérôme

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From what it says on the 151st Infantry Regiment's website, "pioupiou" meant "fresh trooper" back in 1914.  --Dave :-)

Yes that is part of the meaning.
A "Pioupiou" is a familiar and quite sympathetic name for a child chicken or small bird. Terrific warrior indeed. So a Pioupiou is a young soldier.

Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Hello!  Thank you, Jerome, for the explanation of 'pioupiou'!  The word even sounds like what a baby chicken would sound like  :-D!  Hello, Starlancer.  Thanks your reply and your welcome!  No, I really was not insulted at all.  I just wanted to be very cautious while joining a new forum, especially where different languages and meanings are concerned.  As a new guy, I don't want to start a forbidden topic or upset other members on the forum.  I have seen how easy this can happen just on forums here in the U.S.  ;-) :-D!!  Robin has a "List of Do's and Don'ts for Newbies" back on GameSquad Forum over here.  Again, thanks!

Jerome, what keyboard key sequences must I use to get the language accents correctly?  I know I could not spell your name with the proper accents above the letters.  I was just wondering how to do that, thanks.  8)

"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."


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Robin has a "List of Do's and Don'ts for Newbies" back on GameSquad Forum over here.
Well, it is rather a list of flamewar topics. Nothing is forbidden, so one can freely try to trip some mines - but he won't be surprised if he gets some schrapnell by doing it... 8)

Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Thanks, Robin.  You are correct, I like it as a guide to avoid stepping into something. :-D  Newbies always seem to step in something.
"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."

Hors ligne Jérôme

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Jerome, what keyboard key sequences must I use to get the language accents correctly?  I know I could not spell your name with the proper accents above the letters.  I was just wondering how to do that, thanks.  8)


Never mind anyway !
Seems that the keyboards sold in France are not the same than those sold to english writting consumer.
Here in France we can get write the é with the same "touche" (don't know the word in english ...) than the 2 (above the main part of the keyboard), the è with the 7, the ^ with the š (which I don't know if it's also used in english).


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Newbies always seem to step in something.

Even when you're a veteran.....just thinking about me with some parts of the ASL rules  :mad:

Hors ligne Sgt-humphrey

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Welcome Dave

Rare are the US gamers to make the step here,
I hope that you'll find in our small community what you're looking for
Here you'll find "Grognards" and Newbies, young and not so youg gamers
united by the practice of ASL of course, but also by a great interest for history

Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Thank you to all of you.   :-)
"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."