Hello, Xavier! Thank you for the welcome, I appreciate it. Yes, I can read a little French. It's funny how (after nearly thirty years!) that I still remember some of my French lessons from school

! I should buy a 'Rosetta Stone' or 'Berlitz' Language DVD, and sit down to learn it all over again...

Anyway, I'm
very happy to see that the Forum here is as thriving as the GameSquad forum that I participate with in the US, and it is probably even better

. By the way, I'm also what is called in the US a "Counter Troll". I enjoy drawing counter artwork for different subjects, except that my methods are
very "Old School". I draw an image, then I will reduce the image on a photocopier. I place the reduced image onto a pre-made paper square that has the information on it for MMCs or SMCs. Usually, I then reduce the counter image for copying onto colored paper. That is how I would make "Personal SMCs and MMCs" for myself and my gaming buddies. No computers, no CorelDraw, no PhotoShop are used. I just use paper and pencil (or pen), and then a photocopier. As I said, "Old School"

Thanks again for welcoming me here. I hope we will talk of many things.