ASL pour les nuls … et les autres !

Hello! I'm Dave ("Pioupioudave14"), And I'm New To The Forum

Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Hello to all of you.  I'm Dave Gaba from Schenectady, New York in the USA.  I'm new to this forum, and I discovered this site after I joined the GameSquad Forum.  I've played ASL off and on from 1991, and I still consider myself a rookie (Inexperienced Green SMC) ;-).  I hope that I can learn some things here from a lot of you long-term ASL 'grognards'.  I look forward to hearing from all of you, thank you!

Best Regards,
Dave Gaba
"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."

Hors ligne X

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Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Hello, Xavier!  Thank you for the welcome, I appreciate it.  Yes, I can read a little French.  It's funny how (after nearly thirty years!) that I still remember some of my French lessons from school  :-D!  I should buy a 'Rosetta Stone' or 'Berlitz' Language DVD, and sit down to learn it all over again... :-$ ;-).
Anyway, I'm very happy to see that the Forum here is as thriving as the GameSquad forum that I participate with in the US, and it is probably even better  8).  By the way, I'm also what is called in the US a "Counter Troll".  I enjoy drawing counter artwork for different subjects, except that my methods are very "Old School".  I draw an image, then I will reduce the image on a photocopier.  I place the reduced image onto a pre-made paper square that has the information on it for MMCs or SMCs. Usually, I then reduce the counter image for copying onto colored paper.  That is how I would make "Personal SMCs and MMCs" for myself and my gaming buddies.  No computers, no CorelDraw, no PhotoShop are used.  I just use paper and pencil (or pen), and then a photocopier.  As I said, "Old School"  ;-)!
Thanks again for welcoming me here.  I hope we will talk of many things.

"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."


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Welcome here, Dave!
As you see, I am moderator here as well as at GS...
Both forums are complementary, IMO.
I hope you will have some fun and interest lurking around here. ;-)

Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Thank you, too, Robin.  I hope to.  How does one say, "Counter Troll" in French?? ;-) :-D
"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."


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How does one say, "Counter Troll" in French?? ;-) :-D
Direct translation : "Troll à pions"... keep the English expression, as French ASLers do master a minimal English.

Hors ligne Jérôme

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D'où la très shakespearienne expression du fils aîné de l'Intendant du Gondor lors de la bataille de la Moria : "They have a Counter Troll". La suite a montré qu'ils avaient non seulement un Troll des Marqueurs, mais aussi un Balrog (qui signifie peut-être : un mauvais jet de dés ?).

Sorry it's not in english, it's not even funny.

Hors ligne Memenne

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Hi Dave ! Welcome here.
You'll see : we are a little bit crazy but not dangerous...
Qui a dit que les hommes ne font jamais l'ASL ?


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Seems he is ghosting here for www1 asl like quantuuum (sorry if I make mistaken with the pseudo 8-O )
Welcome Dave  :-)
« Modifié: 09 Novembre 2007, 23:08 par Starlancer »

Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Hi, Starlancer.  I don't know anything about what 'ghosting' means, and I only met Quantuum on GameSquad forum this week after joining up there.  I don't know of any background problems existing among members here.  I've played ASL off-and-on since 1991, but I'm still a very inexperienced player.  I actually e-mailed Dogan Ogreten about 'ASL La Grande Guerre' back in September 2004, but within two weeks of speaking with him, I had to give up on this because of my parents' health problems and work obligations.  I've always wanted to return to this, and I was involved in World War 1 re-enacting here in the U.S., too.  For me, it's the best of both worlds!  I learn more about playing ASL, and I also get to enjoy my hobby of World War 1 study at the same time.  I even decided on "Pioupioudave14" just this week from reading information on a French WW1 re-enacting unit here in the U.S.  From what it says on the 151st Infantry Regiment's website, "pioupiou" meant "fresh trooper" back in 1914.  It suits me, I think.  There you have it, as far as my reasons go. I've been honest with you.  If I have worn out my welcome after just being here two days, I'll say "merci et au revoir" and be on my way.  Talk to you soon.

--Dave :-)
"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."


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Hi Dave. I don't wanted to insulting you  :-$ Sorry if you take it like that.Welcome here once again, as I did say earlier.  :-)

Hors ligne Jérôme

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From what it says on the 151st Infantry Regiment's website, "pioupiou" meant "fresh trooper" back in 1914.  --Dave :-)

Yes that is part of the meaning.
A "Pioupiou" is a familiar and quite sympathetic name for a child chicken or small bird. Terrific warrior indeed. So a Pioupiou is a young soldier.

Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Hello!  Thank you, Jerome, for the explanation of 'pioupiou'!  The word even sounds like what a baby chicken would sound like  :-D!  Hello, Starlancer.  Thanks your reply and your welcome!  No, I really was not insulted at all.  I just wanted to be very cautious while joining a new forum, especially where different languages and meanings are concerned.  As a new guy, I don't want to start a forbidden topic or upset other members on the forum.  I have seen how easy this can happen just on forums here in the U.S.  ;-) :-D!!  Robin has a "List of Do's and Don'ts for Newbies" back on GameSquad Forum over here.  Again, thanks!

Jerome, what keyboard key sequences must I use to get the language accents correctly?  I know I could not spell your name with the proper accents above the letters.  I was just wondering how to do that, thanks.  8)

"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."


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Robin has a "List of Do's and Don'ts for Newbies" back on GameSquad Forum over here.
Well, it is rather a list of flamewar topics. Nothing is forbidden, so one can freely try to trip some mines - but he won't be surprised if he gets some schrapnell by doing it... 8)

Hors ligne Pioupioudave14

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Thanks, Robin.  You are correct, I like it as a guide to avoid stepping into something. :-D  Newbies always seem to step in something.
"Pour ceux qui sont sur le point de mourir, nous vous saluons..."