Ma question :
Hi !
1) If a shellhole is created in an Open Ground, orchard, brush or grainfield
(B2.1) :
Is the terrain now :
A) a shellhole hex ?
B) an orchard/shellhole hex... ?
2) Does the hindrance of the original terrain still exist ?
2) If answer B to question 1 : is the terrain movement cost cumulative (2.5MF to
enter a grainfield/shellhole without shellhole protection...) ?
Thanks for your help !
Et la réponse de Perry :
When shellholes are created in an orchard hex, it becomes an orchard hex with shellholes in it and the hindrance remains. The COT for not using the shellhole does not change, e.g., the COT for not using the shellhole in a grain hex with shellholes is 1.5 MF.
However, this rule is being reviewed; stay tuned for errata in the next Journal that may over turn this answer.