Je mets en ligne le "Finer points" que j'avais trouvé sur le net....
Infantry DrillsStationary MMG or HMG can be Recovered and fired at half during the AFPh (4.41).
SMC can take SW away from Broken units with dr <6 (4.44).
CX penalties apply to IFT, TH, Labor, IPC, CC, Search, Recovery, Ambush, MOL, DC detonation, ATMM check, PF check (4.51, and various sections).
Routing units ignore concealed units (10.533).
Infantry using Assault Move are subject to FFNAM and FFMO if they break (4.61).
Infantry and guns cannot fire out of their hex if an attacking unit is in the same hex (EXC: unarmored vehicle) [aka: the Vehicular Freeze Tactic, it also applies to VBM] (7.212).
Pin negates FFNAM and FFMO (7.83).
FT not halved for Advancing Fire (7.24, 22.1).
Defending infantry cannot use SFF against units farther away than the closest armed and known enemy infantry within Normal Range (8.3).
FPF can be used as many times as possible, but is required for within hex fire. The IFT attack is used as MC on the FPFing infantry (8.31).
Hindrances do not affect the placement or strength of Fire Lanes (EXC: >+5 Hindrances, and only if they exist prior to the FL) (9.22).
MG Field of Fire only applies over 1 Phase and only from woods, building, rubble (9.21).
Sustained Fire is NA to AFV MGs (EXC: MA) (9.3).
Bore Sighted MGs only get BS advantage in Defensive First Fire (MGs not MMCs) (C6.44).
Save HMGs in exposed positions by Dismantling them to rout with units that will probably break and rout away (9.

Leadership modifiers apply as positive DRM for LLMCs and LLTCs (10.2).
Routing units ignore concealed units (10.533).
Ambusher can "withdraw" 1 hex before CC or after successful CC (11.41).
Concealed units do not lose Concealment for fire attacks and CC while solely against Broken units (12.14).
HIP Fortifications must be revealed if enemy has LOS and is within 16 hexes (EXC: G.2) (12.33).
In cases of ties, SAN results are applied to one unit with a new SAN roll for the other (14.2).
Heroship modifier can be used in multi-hex FG but only within Normal Range of Hero or his SW (15.24).
DC FP modified only by Concealed units (23).
DC can be placed against Fortified Buildings for full effect as the placing unit does not actually expend MP in the "placed" hex (A23.3).
SMOKE does not apply in Mud, Deep Snow, Rain, or Heavy Wind (24.6).
Lay of the LandBridges have +1 TEM; they do not provide HD status (6.31).
Infantry advancing out of Tunnels gain automatic Concealment (8.61).
AFV denied WA can use BMG to fire over the wall (9.321).
Elevation effects change TEM to Walls/Hedges, Shellholes, Entrenchments and OT Vehicles (9.33, D6.61).
Guns cannot change CA and fire in Bocage (cf. Conditional ROF) (9.531).
Bocage is concealment terrain even in LOS of enemy (9.55).
Broken units on Wire are eliminated if unsuccessful in routing away from an adjacent enemy (26.41).
Infantry cannot CX to move beneath Wire (26.46).
Entrenchments (and Shellholes) are not considered OG to routing units if they pay the MF cost for the entrenchment (27.41).
AFV are HD if under a Trench (27.52).
Infantry do not lose Concealment while moving through Trenches (27.54).
Occupants of a Pillbox can only fire at units in their CA or those moving through the vertices of the CA in their hex. They can only CC, place smoke, and throw DCs in their non-CA hex location (30.2).
Pillboxes can be attacked by AP (HE equivalency) without using the PB TEM for TH purposes (30.35).
Placed or Set DCs gain a -2 DRM to Pillbox Elimination attempts (TEM < DC KIA#) (30.92).
Gun PointsWhen using OBA, always have LOS to the AR request hex (1.3, 1.4, 1.6).
OBA and Indirect Fire can be effective against AFVs (1.55).
Radio Contact and Maintenance are automatic for Offboard Observers (1.63).
OBA attacks add +1 per level against targets in lower levels of building hexes (B23.2).
OBA FFEs greater than or equal to 70 mm are +1 Hindrances and are not cumulative with same OBA-FFE hindrances (1.57).
A module of Rocket OBA only gets 1 fire mission (i.e., 2 Fire Attacks, with no correction for the second attack) (1.9).
Guns lose concealement on colored die TH DR >4, or for changing their CA (A12.34).
Stationary Guns can be Recovered and fired in the AFPh (A4.41, C2.7)
Guns can only change their CA in a Fire Phase. A Gun can change its CA in PFPh and fire in fire in AFPh without Case A penalties (3.22).
Hits using Area Target Type affect all units in LOS in a hex. MRT hits affect all units regardless of LOS (3.33).
MRT do not lose ROF for Area Target Type, hence they can fire SMOKE without losing ROF (3.33).
Infantry and Area Target Types can be used to attack a hex devoid of targets (3.41), but Acquisition is only gained when using Area Target Type against Concealed or HIP targets (6.57).
Critical Hits affect one target in hex. Use Random Selection to determine target (3.74).
During that phase, a Gun cannot change its CA after having fired in a woods, building, rubble hex (5.11), even for OVR protection (5.64).
Deliberate Immobilization cannot be used against immobilized vehicles (i.e., to draw a TC) (5.71). The crew of immobilized vehicles take a TC only if the TK# is > 5 (D5.5).
Point Blank modifiers (Case L) are not applicable if the firer or the target are in motion/moving that turn (6.3).
Concealed units cannot be acquired as Vehicle or Infantry Target Types (unless broken/hit by the firer) (6.57).
Smoke fired in any phase other than PFPh is dispersed (8.52).
Some players use the Depletion rules to gain "extra" shots against valid targets (8.9).
RFNM Guns cannot change CA (10.25).
Gunshields add +2 unless struck by a Direct Hit (11.24).
MRT are the only Guns allowed on Rooftops or in Crags (B17.4, B23.85).
Cannister gets ROF [NB: should probably be ROF-1 like IFE but that remains to be determined] (Q&A 1996).
PF usage is equivalent to SW usage, except a PF attack can only effect one unit (EXC: random selection ties (A7.351, C13.31).
Backblast affects units in buildings, and rubble unless using Opportunity Fire (3, 13.

PF, BAZ, PIAT, PSK are effective against Infantry only when in/behind walls, buildings, rubble, and pillboxes (8.31).
PIAT attacks do not suffer Backblast (13.

Tank TreadsNormal range for vehicular FTs is 2 if the FT is underlined (1.

AFVs lose Acquisition if their CMG fires at other than the acquired location (C6.5, D1.82).
AFVs are useful for "pinning" infantry via VBM (A7.212).
Vehicles can make Motion attempts if threatened by enemy AFVs (2.401). This tactic can keep weak tanks in the game when coupled with sD, sM, sP, or sN.
AFVs are not eligible for Opportunity Fire (3.3).
Vehicular MGs make only 1 fire attack unless it is MA (EXC: CC, OVR) (3.5).
After firing a weapon, an AFVs TCA and/or VCA can only change if firing on a Known enemy unit (3.51).
The AFPh penalty, Case B, does not apply to AFV MGs if the AFV did not move during that turn (3.53).
An AFV is Recalled if its MA becomes disabled (X) (3.7).
AFV can attempt to set up HD on crests (4.221).
CE status is required for any OT AFV to fire any non-bow mounted weapon (5.3).
Elevation effects can reduce CE TEM to 0 (D6.6).
Some inherent weapons (MG, PSK) can be Removed (6.631) not unloaded.
Certain AFVs can form FGs with PRC and Infantry within their hex (6.64).
Street Fighting cannot be used if marked with FF, etc. (7.211).
AFV/wreck TEM doesn't apply to within location attacks (TPBF, OVR) (9.3).
Smoke dispensers do not break nor do they run out of smoke (13.3).
Smoke dispensers have +1 BU modifiers. sM have +2 motion, and Case A modifiers.