Dieu a parlé :
>Question:Is this formulation correct ?
>1 - During the RPh, a SW may be searched a number of times = #units present
>in the same location, as long as each unit do it as their sole RPh action.
>Ex : If two squads are stacked with a lmg, each of them may try to recover
>it once in their RPh. ie if the first try is unsuccesful, the second sq may
>2 - During the Mph, a SW may be searched only once by only one unit. If the
>attempt is unsuccessful, then no other unit may try to recover this SW
>during this MPh.
>3 - The same unit may try to recover the same SW two times during his
>player turn : one attempt during the RPh and one attempt during the MPh.
1 & 3 are correct; for 2, as many units as desired may attempt an MPh
Recovery of an SW/Gun, but each such unit may try only once for each
different SW/Gun it tries to Recover during that one MPh.